The combination of rain, strong winds and a king tide saw a section of Semaphore Jetty wash away.
The erosion to the coast line was terrible.
I took this photo this morning.
I took this photo this morning.
This is the same area in January.
I would have expected the seaweed to be worse.
If you take an early morning walk on Semaphore beach you are usually assured of seeing these guys training in the water.

Beautiful scenes and part of the world. Thanks for sharing here.
Oh, force of nature!.
Beautiful photos anyway.
Wow, amazing shots. It's sad that when the rain finally came it had to take some things with it. Mother nature is no joke.
But wondering, is a "rain event" a good thing? or a bad thing?
Wow, yes that is force of nature indeed. It is amazing.
Thanks for sharing.
Visit Mary Elizabeth world@ Now and Then
I guess with a Kingtide you were lucky that was all that went!
What's happening all around the world?...I'm worried about it...maybe we ought to respect the nature to avoid them...:(
Ciao Leanne
When the rain came it came with a vengeance! Looks like you are back to blue skies ... no long, steady rain ... yet.
There's a lot going on on our beaches all over the world. Yesterday I saw that in the UK the coast is being eroded in a very fast way. Several houses had been washed away. Thanks for showing your great shots! Thanks for your comment. I certainly hope that on Queen's Day the weather will be better than it's now. Well we have two more days to go.
lovely shots...each and every one. that first shot beautiful :) and i think your header with the gull is awesome.
have a lovely rest of the week.
take care.
Quite a devastation really. Pity on all that beautiful white sand. These things will happen and much worse things too, unfortunately.
Your photgraphic record is very good and the sun has returned to parch the ground.
The last shot is particularly nice. Horses on a beach is always a wonderful sight and your header is great too.
Wow, lots of erosion. Love the last pic.
Jeez those two pics - such a difference , scary. I saw a cockatoo flying the other day - I think it was someones pet that had escaped unfortunately..
lisa x
Must have been quite a rainstorm to wash out so much sand. I love the photo of the horses training on the beach.
Sometimes I long to be on a beach like that even though it must have it´s bad sides too. Horses are always fun!
Wow that was some storm, its done a lot of damage, I hope no one lost homes to the storm.
Nice ending with the horses.
Great photos Leanne, and I just LOVE Charlotte Rose!
The beach sure changes when there is a big rain-which we have been loving-great photos!
Your photos are so beautiful! Such a shame to see the erosion!
The rain was lovely - but it was pretty wild and stormy and I'm surprised there wasn't more damage.
Your stitching weekend looked like fun - it made me wish I did stitching - but I'm still coming to grips with sewing and knitting - one (or rather, two) things at a time!
Beautiful images Leanne! We had the warmest and driest April on record here - hope we get some rain soon!
Oh for a gentle all day rain that just soaks into the ground. It doesn't always happen that way though!! We had gully washers a week ago and many people still have wet basements.
Great photos.
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