When I first showed a picture of my thread holder a number of people asked if I had a pattern. I made mine one morning at my stitching morning, it does not have a pattern so I thought I would show you how it is made.
Firstly cut 4 strips 7 1/2 inches X 2 1/2 inches then 4 from a contrasting fabric.

Lay them on your cutting board like this.

Lay the next 4 right sides together as above.

This step is important pick up the strips and put a pin in as above, then do the same to the bottom layer.

Sew together with a 1/4 inch seam.

You should have 4 pieces like this. Press seams open.

Lay 2 on your cutting mat as above.

Flip one over so that you have right side together, and seams meeting. Sew together with a 1/4 inch seam. Do the same with the other 2 pieces.

Press seams. You will now have 2 pieces that look like this.

Lay them right side together you should have contrasting fabrics on top of one another.

Sew around the outside with a 1/4 inch seam leaving a small hole for turning. Clip the top corners and clip into the the inside corners. Turn inside out roll and press the seams. Slip stitch the opening closed.

Fold one arm on to the next one. As above.

I use ladder stitch to join these seams. Starting from the inside corner going to the open end.

As you can see you are joining then together along a seam.

Taking care to catch the side that are closest. Do this for all 4 arms.

Your seams if done correctly will have a wrong and a right side. Above is the right side which will be the outside.

This is how the inside will look. If you look at the finished holder it has a section that folds over I stitch up to about 3/4 inch from the top then place the thread through and stitch the seam the other way. This is hard to explain but if you stitch the same way all the way to the end of the seam you will have an inside seam on the outside when you fold the top over.

This is my thread holder as it sit on the arm of my lounge. I should empty it more often.
As always use this pattern as it was intended do not reproduce it in any way. It would be nice to see some finished thread holders. I know lots of people visit and do not leave a comment so let me know how you go with this.
They are great little inexpensive - quick to make gifts.
One wet cold afternoon when boredom had set in the family found another use for it.......
I just this pattern. I may have to give it a try. I've been using a small glass bowl for my thread, but this is so much cuter. I'll let you know when I make one.
I might have to try this.... Thank you!
This is a very cute little thread holder. I will give it a try, & let you know if I get it finished.
Thank you for sharing this! I've seen this on your blog earlier and wondered how you made it, now I can make my own! It looks like it is small enough to bring with you in you sewing bag!
Thanks for sharing your thread holder pattern with us, I might have to try one of these sometime.
Many thanks from one of the one's that asked you about it in the first place! I love the little thread holder you sent me for my PIF gift but it is very exciting to know how they are made - I'll have to give it a go - they could be used for all sorts of things! Lucy x
Thanks Leanne,, I love the little one you sent me. I studied it and couldn't work out how on earth you made it!!! Now I know!
Thank you Leanne for the tutorial!
I 'll love to try this one out. I just follow your step by step photos and let you know how it turns out!
OOOOh very nice will have to give it a go.
very nice ......great tutorial.....will have a go at this.......can you email me please.....
...yes I discovered by accident also that if you have a draft often it will post on the date it started but if you go to post options at the bottom of the screen just on the left above publish post button it opens more info and you can change it there....see how you go next time............I have just started emailing my pics to post and it is much quicker for me..........
I didn't know I needed one until I saw this! What a brilliant thing. Thank you for providing instructions, I'll let you know how mine ends up!
Great tutorial, thanks for sharing. I soooo need one of these so I will be trying this on the weekend.
Oooooo. This is great. Thanks!
Wow, this looks so great! I'll print your tutorial tomorrow and will try to sew such a tread Holder soon, too! Thank you so much for sharing!
Best wishes from Germany,
I want to try this! It is adorable!
Thank you, I love it!
Kind regards.
Sonnja, from the Netherlands
Leanne, thanks a lot for the tutorial!
It's so lovely!!!...I have to try it and then I'll post the pictyre on my blog...:):)
When I saw this on your blog this morning (which I linked to from a couple of other blogs!) I knew I just had to make one. I did and it's adorable. I need about 4 more for the different places in the house that I stitch. I'm taking it with me to show my pals at my quilt group this afternoon. Thanks so much for posting!
Leanne, Thank you for sharing your tutorial of your thread catcher. It is soooo cute! I really enjoyed making this.
I tried out your pattern and just loved it. I liked it so much that I have made one for each of the ladies in my quilting group for Christmas. Each year I like to give them something that I have made that relates to quilting. thanks so much
It was so sweet of you to share your pattern! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with promise!!
Leanne- THANK YOU! I've wanted one of these little doohickeys for ages - and your instructions were great! (I have such problems with directions, but I got there - LOL!)
What a wonderful pattern and so kind of you to share with everyone in such a clear way. Marian
I loved this! thank you for sharing the way to make it. I will try to make one, it is fun to try something new.I will tell you when (if) I get it done.
Thank you for your tutorial!
Just today I finished my holder (see in my blog), but it´s like pincushions: You need more than one...
And I like yours too!
Have a nice day,
Now I made yours, too!
Look at my blog!
Thank you very much for this tut,
I do not quilt but I am just sewing it, I don't finished it yet, but I love sewing it, thank you for the pattern, I will show you mine when it will be done :-)
Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial--I love your thread catcher!
Oh! Oh! I've had a photograph of something like this stored in my "figure this out someday" folder. And here it is! Yay, and thank you!
One of our sit and sew ladies had one of those on Thursday and I did not get round to my usual " how did you do that" Was too busy admiring her work which I photographed and blogged.
So now I can quietly make one and produce it and try to look clever.......lol.
Thanks for sharing this great tutorial. I made my first one this week and have linked to your tutorial on my blog post about it.
Just surfed in from Tipnut.com and landed in a clever and cute thread catcher tutorial. Thank you so much for sharing with the world. Can't wait to try one for myself!
Looks great. I learned to make this a couple of years ago. They look a wole lot harder than they really are.
I love this thread catcher, never knew there was such a thing! I also love that you say you are dyslexic. My daughter is dyslexic and I love knowing she will be all right in the world, she will overcome it like so many have! Going to make the thread catcher today! Thanks!
Thank you for the tutorial! I did manage to make one...if you like to see it here is a link:
I saw your tutorial mentiuoned on Stashbusters--and made on ehte same day. My aim is terrible at hitting my wastebasket with threads! Now you gem is sitting right at my right hand. You can see it in today's blog at http://saras-scraps.blogspot.com
I found a link to your site through TipNut.com and I have picked out fabric to make one. I love that it is soft, so I can fold it up and carry it with my needlework projects. It is so cute! I will post a picture, once it is finished.
I finished my thread holder, here is a picture: http://wyldhare.typepad.com/weblog/2008/07/sew-nice-of-a-d.html
Thank you again for the great tutorial!
Exactly what I was looking for to start making Christmas presents for my quilting group!!! I have 6 different 1/2 yards of batiks coming to me and once they arrive I will get right on it. Thanks for such great instructions!
Hi Leanne. Thank you for posting the instructions for this lovely little thread holder. I just made it and it came out great.
check it out here:
Leeanne, I just made a couple today. I love love love this pattern. Thank you so much for posting it .
I have to sit in the hospital with a friend waiting for another friend's surgery this week and hope to get a bunch to the sewing the flaps down stage for cute little gifts.....
Much nicer than the empty klennex box that I use! Thanks for sharing.
Very sweet project! I put a link to it on my blog. Thanks for the idea! I see so many uses for this project.
Thanks for the great tutorial, I only had to pull it apart twice, but I think that is my brain recovering from night shifts and not a reflection on your wonderul instructions. I have posted a pic of the thread holder I made on my blog. :)
I am not good with a sewing machine, but this is to cute not to try. I will post it on my blog if I get it completed. Thank you for showing us how.
This littel bundle looks like just what I need. I am not too good with instructions, but I will give it a whirl
Your instructions are GREAT! I'm not very good at sewing and I just mde one of these as a gift for a lady at work who stitches. I was trying to find the perfect gift and this sewed up quickly and I know she will love it.
Thanks for this pattern. I made several for Christmas gifts, but I filled them with chocolate. The recipients can fill them with thread snips later. You can see the results at crackpotbeader.blogspot.com.
Marty S
Crackpot Beader
Leanne, thank you for this tutorial - have printed it out and can't wait to make a thread holder! I have just posted a tutorial today on a lovely Dilly Bag - am a bit nervous about it all so I will be happy when some feedback comes through - several have commented, so maybe I'll get feedback on instructions soon - hope so!
Hugs - Lurline♥
It's a great thread holder, but after looking at the threads in it, wouldn't it also make a great little Easter basket, with a little paper grass and some foil-wrapped chocolate eggs hiding in it?
Thank you for at really great pattern. I would love to sew one like this!
Thank you, It's so pretty!
OMG that is so cute. I just saw Pams on her blog. And your doggy looks cute wearing it. LOL
Oh, Leanne, thanks so much for this tutorial!!! I'm going to go and make one of these right away!! I have my guild meeting on Tuesday and they are going to love this!!!
I made this fun little basket last night and have featured it and you on my post today.
I am an avid crafter and a team member of our local community craft group in Northgate South Australia, which is a not for profit organisation, in fact we only charge a $3 entrance fee to cover costs and offer free craft classes (none of the teachers get paid and they teach voluntarily). I was wondering if you would kindly give me permission to copy your tutorial instructions and teach a small group of ladies your Thread Holder. I have made a number of these wonderful Thread Holders for myself and as gifts for crafting friends and as we are always looking for new things to teach at our group I thought that this would fit in nicely with my theme for next term called ‘One Week Wonders’. I am hoping to teach quick to make crafts that can be completed in a couple of hours. I wait to hear your response and any conditions that you may have.
Regards Jane 8o)
I finally took a photo of one of the several thread catchers I've made since seeing your blogsite (and bookmarking it)! I stitched about ten of these before I took a flight across the country. Perfect for handwork to carry with you. Thanks, Leanne!
Hi leanne i love this!!! i don´t know so much about patchwork but I want to learn, can I translate your tutorial to spanish?? is mor easy for me and I would like put this in my blog... sorry my bad english :) I'm from Venezuela...
Two friends have made this and gave me the website. I will try it and let you know how it goes.
Pat H.
Thanks a lot for this lovely tuto !
It can make a wonderful little gift for quilting friends as well....
A very good idea - thank you for that. I am from Denmark and will try to make one too.
Very very swwet as a crown too! Perhaps i will give it a try! Thanks for the great tutorial :o)
Hugs, Laurraine
I am also curious to know how it would look if you did not use contrasting fabric on either side of the strip but the same fabric on both sides of one strip....
Very beautiful! I make this. Thanks for the tutorial.
Hi! I made one, thank you for the great pattern!
Hi Leanne,
thank you so much for this cute tutorial, I made one too!!!!
Hugs and kisses from Germany, Jutta
I also made... two :))))
Thank you very much!
Hi from Russian-Finlnd Anna
Leanne, Thank you for the thread holder. I finally made one today. The tutorial was very good. I will make some for gifts. Thank you very much for sharing it on your blog.
Thanks for the pattern - I love it! I finally got around to posting my picture. I made one for me and one for my sister.
Dear Leanne,
At Sugarbush (our quilt group which meets once a month) one member taught us to make your thread holder. She had one and we liked to have one too, that is how it came about. Your pictures and directions are great, as is your dog! The first one I made was taken by my mother of 84 because she liked it so much. Her friends at the old age home do too!
Clara of Johannesburg, South Africa
Very very cute, i would give it a go, and if successful i will post you a pic
Muy hermosos.. gracias
Leanne; Thank you so much for this tutorial ;-). I made one for myself (for my sewing chair) then another for use at my quilting frame, then another for my knitting room (snips at the end of making an afghan) then on to ones for friends and relatives.... and on ..... and on.... and on.... they are so addictive, thank you for sharing, Love, Anne astoddar@suffolk.lib.ny.us
I have posted a photo and a link to how I used your pattern:
Thanks so much!
I just made a thread holder.
Liked the tutorial.
It was very clear.
I made a photo but don't know how to send it to you.
Thank you very much.
Greetings from a cold Holland.
Janny Schoneveld
I love this, would you mind if I made them for a group of church women? As a gift for attending a meeting? I know about 30 to 40 will attend but will probably make about 60????
Love the pattern but love the dog even more, He bought a smile to my face and mine looks almost the same so I have decided I need to make this little thread catcher, thankyou.
very cute idea. love your blog
Adorable, I wish I could sew!!!
Love it.... Got to the part where I am hand stitching. I am a little confused as to how much and where to sew it exactly.
I first saw this pattern last year. I have since mdde 3 of them...one for me, one for my sis and one to use at my quilt guild meeting next week for a giftie. I just love how they look and feel. When constructing it, it seemed like there is no way this is going to be a 3 dimensional container, but your directions are so easy to follow, that they are a breeze to make. Thank you for sharing this with us>
okay I am definitely going to give this a go. At the moment I use a plastic ziplock bag. I keep all the threads I use for a particular project then put them cut up very small in a small glass jar with a label to show the colours used. This is a much nicer way to collect them though. Thanks
Leanne, the thread basket is so cute. My friends and I would like to make about 50 of them to give out atour Guild's retreat this winter. They would be one of the table favors. Thanks in advance.
So lovely the King =^..^=
i just found and use this pattern, so easy to follow it. thanks. here my link
Hi, help, I love this little thread catcher and have cut out my strips. But I cannot tell exactly how to assemble it. Maybe I am dyslexic, and I don't say that in jest. Would anyone be willing to help me decipher the directions? I cannot tell which sides are being stitched? And I am assuming it matters which side. It would help a beginner to know if fabric A was being stitched to fabric B on the L side or some kind of notation. From the comments, it seems that everyone else is able to follow the directions. I feel silly, but really want to be successful. Can anyone help?
Огромное спасибо за чудесный мастер-класс!!!
I found your little thread catcher sew cute!! I had to give it a try. My goodness I had to think about the way you had things laying down, not that you weren't clear, my head just couldn't get around it to make it right. But I was determined and proud to say I've made TWO!!! Lovin it!! I'm so glad I tried this.
Augie in Michigan
Is there any way you can put this tutorial in a .pdf for easy download? That would be a great addition!
HI Leanne:
I'm returning to sewing after almost 30 years !! yes, since 8th grade. Now my 4th grade daughter is starting to catch the bug. I was not an avid sewer then, a little clumsy. I've already noticed how much better i am with my hands -- goes with age and "wisdom"!?? Anyway, I'm going to try this and hopefully I'll manage. I love being able to share this with my daughter now.
thanks, Toronto transplant from Atlanta
Thanks for the tutorial, took me about 30 minutes to make...took longer to decide on fabric...doesn't look as nice as yours because I sewed "everything" with the machine...turned out great Thanks..
This is such a clever basket! And it also makes such a CUTE little doggy crown! I linked to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
I intend to use the thread holder for my daughters' baby shower at the place settings. We will put a paper cup inside and fill with candy, nuts, etc. They will be made with blue and pink fabrics.
Hi, I love your thread end container. I made one for myself.
I posted a link on about.com/crossstitch to your site for the instructions and a picture of the one I made. Everyone loved it. I've been asked by our moderator to submit a picture of mine to the site for "New Cross Stitch Projects". I will give a general outline of what I did, but readers will be instructed to come to your blog for complete instructions. Thank you so much for this little pattern!
Jan in England
Your link for the thread bag is still being used. I found it today and am about to make one.
Many thanks
Wow, das ist ja ein praktisches und hübsches Utensilo. Vielen Dank für die Anleitung. LG Hexe
A big thank from geneva for this tutorial. this is a must do.
Me pareció ideal y fácil de hacer, voy a hacer el mio, gracias por compartir,
un saludo
I found your thread holder pattern and finished it last night. I added a sand bag to its base to keep it steady on the chair arm. It was fun - I love its size. I'm trying to figure out how to upload a photo of it for you. Got any tips?
What a nice pattern. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am a little confused but guess it will be clearer once I try to make it. So cute.
Thank you, I'm looking forward to making this for myself and some of my crafty friends as thank yous.
In the spring put your threads out for the birds to build nest with. Such a cute pattern. I will be making one soon. Thanks
I just have to make one of these! Your's is SO cute! Like Sweet P, I've been using a little pansy vase for my thread snips. Thanks for posting the directions.
OK, I'm stuck! I'm not following you with what to stitch where.(The handstitching) I have it to that point. I must be waayyy more dyslexic than you because I cannot figure out what to do next. Would you mind leaving a comment on my bog explaining the rest, please? Thanks.
Just found the link to this pattern on a another blog. It is SO cute! Not sure when I'll actually get one made, but I'll try to send a pic when I finish it.
I just found this from another blog. It looks great. Really need to try it out...
Thank you very much great tutorial! This little thread catcher is so cute, I just sew one ☺
Liebe Grüße
I made your sweet little thread catcher for a swap item, and it's adorable! Thanks for sharing!
I love this and it makes such a great doggie crown too. Is that a JRT? Such a cutie.
Never thought of a thread catcher. Mine has always been the floor. This one will save me much work! Thanks!!
I enjoyed making this thread catcher. The instructions were easy to follow. Thanks for posting this beautiful pattern. Here is a picture of my thread catcher :)
First I wanted to say...I love the image on your banner.
Thanks so much for making and sharing the tutorial for your thread catcher..tis brilliant. Now I know what my afternoon project will be on this gloomy Monday. One for me and one for my daughter to match her studio.
And thanks for making me laugh..turning it into a crown for your "baby"..it's sweet.
Hi,I am Marina, living in a small town in germany. I´ve just seen your discribtion for making the little thread holder. Before writing this comment, I just checked my fabrics in my sewingroom for light colors. Now, there are lot of----more than I thougt --- so I think I´ll sew one or two of this cute thread holder. Perhaps one for me and one for my daughter--or for my granddaughter--or for my young friend, who just learns sewing [ I try to show her how to sew successful-;)I hope, it works-:)) ]
Thank you for this idea.
I really like this idea Leanne. Thanks for sharing. Weighted with a little sandbag is a good adaptation too.
I really like this idea Leanne. Thanks for sharing. Weighted with a little sandbag is a good adaptation too.
Well, it's 6-1/2 years since you posted this, and people are still getting inspired by this little project! I like to make little gifts for my small group and this is perfect! My first one, the experimental one, will go to my guild secret pal if it turns out. Thank you for the clever idea and great tutorial!
I have to make a fabric vessel for a competition in my WI. I think I will try to make it a little larger and use silk and embroidery to jazz itup a bit, but will make some as your pattern afterwards as gifts for girlfriends as secret pal gifts. Will let you know how I get on with the competition.
Guess we were all looking for something like this. Was easy to make and a great gift idea.
I just finished mine. I loved it!
I just finished mine. I loved it!
Just found your site from another post about your thread holder--it is wonderful. Can't wait to make one. In fact, gonna do it now . . .
Wondered what a thread catcher was, now I know it's for all those threads I cut off and wonder what to do with! Definitely want to make one! Thanks for a great tutorial.
What a great and very cute idea! I'm with previous poster, Marsha, YOU are 'still' grabbing our attention with this very useful idea! I found you on PINTEREST (which is such a wonderful addiction! ha) Thank you for sharing and posting your pattern! I'm going to gather some colors together RIGHT NOW! Hope you're having a beautiful day!
I am SO sad! I feel that I am the only one who cannot possibly understand this process!! I do everything as pictured, but when I come to putting the two large pieces of 4 right sides together, I cannot get them to match up properly!! Did I sew the L shapes wrong?! I would appreciate any advice.... you can find me at hayley (dot) fortner (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the tutorial. I just finished one for my cutting table.
Thanks I've pinned it to try sometime. Oh and the dog is so cute
Thanks I've pinned it to try sometime. Oh and the dog is so cute
Love your pattern. What a brilliant idea! Will try to make one for myself this afternoon. Looks cute on your dog too.
Such an adorable project. Saw one at a retreat in Jan this year and was directed to your tutorial. I have already made 4, one for me a nd 3 for friends made at the retreat.
This is so cute, I just have to try it. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Very cute.
I leave a little basket of thread clippings on a table outside near the bird feeder. The birds really like the different textures, it seems and it makes for some pretty "clever" nests!
Hola. dejo mi coment, es una preciosidad esta cestita, que monería !!! Gracias por compartir sus saber con las demás, un abrazo, Muaskkkk.
Hola. dejo mi coment, es una preciosidad esta cestita, que monería !!! Gracias por compartir sus saber con las demás, un abrazo, Muaskkkk.
Hola. dejo mi coment, es una preciosidad esta cestita, que monería !!! Gracias por compartir sus saber con las demás, un abrazo, Muaskkkk.
Thank you! Who doesn't need more thread holders!!
I loved the little Thread Holder the moment I saw it and made three just today to give as gifts! Quick - Easy - Darling! Thanks so much for sharing!
This is such a simple idea but a lovely thing to make and have. A friend recently found what she said was a "great" tutorial on-line and yesterday demonstrated to a group of us how to make one. I am guessing you were her inspiration so I have put a link to your site from mine. Thanks for sharing.
Snap, Karen, I just thought of looking this up. I was amongst those who made the thread catcher with you yesterday. Great fun. Thanks Leanne
Hi, I just emailed you with a question. I have done all the sewing but I'm now totally stuck with the hand stitch construction, I don't see how I should fold it all up to get the basket form. Can anyone help me out?! I have the mill form but then the hand stitching, what exactly do I need to fold and sew and how to do the whole 'origami' thing?
Many thanks for mailing me with help at wintergirl_nele@hotmail.com
This would be most helpful if you could have someone make a video of you as you made one. It is a great idea to give to my stitch group for Christmas gifts next year. Not sure I can put the written instructions into action. I'll try.
Happy Stitching,
Such a cute little thread holder. Looking forward to making a few!
Eventually managed this but found a few points unclear e.g. the mirror image L shape pieces and where to do the stitching - more photos needed!
Luv luv luv this little thread catcher so very cute.
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This is a very cute little thread holder. I will give it a try, & let you know if I get it finished. DGme employee login portal
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