On Sunday a few girls come around for the afternoon for a bit of stitching and chatting I'm not sure what happened but no photos. It was a lovely afternoon where we all got a bit done - Amanda was especially pleased she finished these. Kris was finishing of a swap which was to be posted the next day and Sue was looking at the end of one of the inspired stitches projects. We decided it was a good way to get things done as we just sat and stitched no getting up to do other things around the house.
I have accomplished a few things this week.
Firstly I sorted my embroidery threads a very satisfying job. They had become very messing and I had different ones all over the house so they are now all sorted and back in one place.
Firstly I sorted my embroidery threads a very satisfying job. They had become very messing and I had different ones all over the house so they are now all sorted and back in one place.
I have quite a few.

In the car on the way to the Grampians I made this lovely Hexagon bag.
I really love it and unlike a lot of things I make........... it is for me....... to put my scissors, needles etc in.
I apologise for all the photos that follow I took them this morning - inside

I really enjoy paper piecing.
I did have a crazy thought while Tony drove and I merrily stitched away that I might like to make a quilt this way !!!!!!

My good friend Diana recently had a holiday in Japan I asked her if she had time, could she look for and perhaps buy me some craft mags.
I was very lucky in the fact she brought me back 3.

I love the hexagon bag, did you use a pattern?
I've got a friend due back from Japan on Friday and she too is bringing me some mags, I can't wait.
HHmm and there's either alot of makeup in that bag or the bag is small!!
does the fog mean you had rain?
I am all about that purse with the two cupie dolls in front of it!
That just calls to my inner crazy quilt gal!
Some nice sewing items here! I love those Japanese books, they are so detailed in their instructions!
Loved the Kangaroos, we had recent close encounters too.
Also loved Mel's pictorial adventures.
Hmmmm. Your make-up bag is just slightly bigger than mine!!!! ;o)
Love your hexagon bag and all those lovely Japanese magazines!
Lucy x
Your hexagon bag is gorgeous!! Love all the inspiration in your magazines.
Glad that you had a good stitching day sunday thought of you while at Carrickalinga..... we had a lovely weekend lots of chocolate & laughs.... love your japanese books I had one sent to me this week a patchwork one ...have been in touch with a friends son who is doing yr 12 japanese to do some translating for me :)
Gosh...that is a lot of LOVELY threads...lol...
And the hexagonbag... wohhoo.. I love it..:o)))
And I love the your new makeup bag... Im like you... dont need much space..:o)) or you fooled me with the scissor... ;o)
Good job on the organization! Love the Hexagon tote...
Yikes, thats a lot of threads. Your little bags are just gorgeous.
Hi Leanne, Great photos of the fog. Just love that cute little hexagon bag ... think I might have to get one of those patterns. Thanks for having us on Sunday it was a lovely afternoon. Cheers Sue
thats quite a lot of threads , cute bag - I made a quilt that was paper pieced , I started it 20 + years ago and its still not finished!!
sounds like you accomplished... a lot with every one around .....
well done
Hello dear Leanne ~ I can't believe all those threads you have. What an enormous job and how very organized!
Great bag and make up purse! Love the quilting of the make up purse. And the magazines must give you so much inspiration!
Have a lovely weekend!
You have certainly been keeping the cold at bay with all your crafting
We woke to find a little morning mist hanging in the trees but it soon lifted. I love mornings to start this way.
Your embroidery floss has given me palpitations ... all those glorious colours, what a collection*!*
Hope you are having a wonderful long weekend. Great make up bag and I love your hexagon tote too-hope you've loved all the rain:)
You've done a lot! Love that hexagonbag, and your little make-up bag is adorable! Looks like you have got some great source for inspiration!
And I will not mention the weather! LOL!
You have quite a few colors of thread :) Both bags you made are beautiful. There is something so special about these Japanese fabrics and patterns.
Great looking sewing there Leanne. You have more patience than me. I loved that pic of the bag in the magazine you got too. Quilting is on my "One Day" list,my list is long but one day!!
LOVE the rain and fog you sent over to Victoria. Thanks!! Your projects are georgeous as usual! You are lucky to be able to stitch in the car. I get car sick and it makes me even sicker to think of all that wasted time.
Just dropped by for the first time. What a wonderful trip you had, For an american the Kangaroos are simply adorable and amazing:) It's mind boggling that there out there and so many of them. I also like your little bags. I love the colors you chose and the hexigon colors are perfect. The small makeup bag is just the right size. Just how much makeup do all of us raving beauties need anyway :)
It has been sooooooo cold!
I also love your hexagon bag .. absolutely lovely
That looks like lot of fog. The bags and baskets that are stitched are very beautiful.
Have you had chance to try anything from the Japanese books*?*
Your needlework is amazing. You are very talented!
Hi Lee, your hexagon bag is gorgeous. Uni is over now, so I hope to see you soon at Lorraine's.
Excellent Friend !!! Can you tell I'm playing Catch-Up ??? Lol
How many colors!
Your hexagon bag is fantastic!!!!!!!!
Ciao ciao from Italy
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