About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Monday 30 July 2007

Back from Loxton

I have had the very best weekend. Early Friday morning in darkness I packed the car and headed off to Loxton which is about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Adelaide.

I arrived at Almond Grove Crafts around 9.10am.

We were divided into 3 groups.

Our group had Gail for the first day. I was pleased about that as I didn't really know any other ladies and I had chatted to Gail a little on the internet. Gail is such a lovely friendly person and along with the group of girls I was with made me feel welcome right from the start. We were to make a bag designed by Gail. Our group seemed to chat a little too much to get the project finished but we decided that it was about the journey not about finishing the bag. Needless to say we have a little home work.
Here we are at the end of the day with our not quite completed bags. It is really interesting to see all the different styles that came from one pattern.

This is Cheryl with her completed bag and there is a story to that.

On Saturday we had Leanne we were to make a wall quilt again a lot of talking got in the way needless to say we had a great time.

Here is our group. Anne was a local and came from across the river at Winkie.

Glenys and Judith.

Robyn and Megan

Julie and Cheryl

Meredith, Georgette and Sarah

The whole group.

On Sunday we had Viv Robinson and we were to make a Keepsake basket again we did too much talking and have homework to do.

This is Tricia who owns Almond Grove she is a lovely lady who provided us with a great place to have the very best weekend. We had the best food her wonderful husband and 2 children catered for our lunches, not to mention the yummy chocolate slices, meringue mushrooms etc etc etc let me just say I am a few kilos heavier with 3 projects to finish. If you are ever in Loxton make sure you visit Almond Grove I guarantee you will not leave without a purchase. Tricia has heaps of great patterns. The walls are covered with the most wonderfully inspirational projects, and need I say heaps of great fabric. Tricia is holding up one of Viv's lovely Christmas wall quilts.

At the end of Sunday we had Show and Tell this is Leanne with one of her many bags.

My photos of Leanne are not that good as she would have to be the fastest moving person I have met, for this photo we asked her to stand still so we could take it. I have about 20 photos of the back of her head as I'm sure she moves faster than the camera shutter.

This is Gail with one of her fantastic quilts.

Here is Leanne modeling Gail's backpack.

You cannot visit Loxton without seeing the beautiful river Murray.
In the coming weeks I will finish off my bag,wall quilt and keepsake basket and let you see them.


Anne said...

Hi Leanne

Anne here. Wasn't the weekend fantastic?

I remembered that you said your boss was a gyno and I wondered if you could email me the contact details for her. My sister-in-law needs to see one and as she nurses up here, she doesn't want to see any locals as she works with them!

Thanks for your help. I'll keep reading your blog now!


dutchcomfort said...

You have had some weekend! It looks great and fun too. And lots of inspiration to take home I guess?

Julie (Paddymummy) said...

Hi Leanne..didnt we have such a lovely time in Loxton...after a lazy morning I have finally got my self organised...I love your blog site and your work is lovely...I have just emailed Danielle with your blog address also...I might call in at hetties sometime this week and show Lorraine as I only have to put the handles on my bag...would love to catch up with you sometime also...cant wait till next year at Loxton...bye for now....Julie

Anne said...

Me again. How do I send my email address to you? I'm not sure how these things work, are you able to reply when I've left a comment?

May Britt said...

Such a great weekend. I'm looking forward to see your projects finished. Last week of october I'm going to meet Leanne and join one of her classes. She is comming to Norway and I look forward to that.

Georgie said...

Hi Leanne,
Glad you arrived home safe and sound. It was lovely to meet you, we are hanging out for next year already! Look forward to seeing your completed projects. Will keep in touch via your blog.

PS Lovely photos!

Anonymous said...

Great photographs, looks like alot of fun was had by all.

Quilter Kathy said...

Sounds wonderful! I enjoyed reading about your weekend and seeing the photos!

Leisa said...

Looks like a wonderful weekend. Glad you had a great time. I'm sure at the speed you seem to work your projects will be finished in no time!!

Meredith said...

Hi Leanne
I to had a wonderful weekend! It was great to meet you, we will have to try and catch up to see each others finished projects. When I arrived home on monday I continued to stitch, I have finished hand stitching both Viv's and Gail's projects and tonight I will continue needle turning my basket. I have promised my self that I will finish all three projects before I go back to work in 2weeks (but lets believe that when I have finished them all).

Happy stitching

meggie said...

Wow, thanks for sharing all that with us. I loved all the pics & all the happy faces.
And those river photos are just magic.

Nicky said...

You were so lucky to be close enough to actually go, it looked like a fantastic weekend, with all those photos i feel like i was really there!
Can't wait to see your finished bags hehe!

Juliann in WA said...

Sounds like great fun. I think you quilters in Australia really know how to do a quilting weekend and I am so envious. Thanks for all the pictures.

corry said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time, and great photos!

Chookyblue...... said...

Wow this looks like a wonderful weekend..I to am just back from a retreat weekend and it was fantastic.......

Lorraine said...

Hi Leanne
great photos and we did indeed have a great time!! I am working on finishing the three projects before I go back to work on Monday! I spent yesterday rearranging the lounge room furniture and cleaning the rest of the house ...so the sewing room is my preferred destination today.
It was fantastic to meet you in Loxton and look forward to catching up again.