About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

My World Tuesday # 12 Waterfall Gully

Waterfall Gully
I know by world standards this is not much of a waterfall but in Adelaide it is all we have.
It quite often does not flow

Waterfall Gully

Waterfall Gully

When we have had some rain it flows down over this area not as it is now with 2 small trickles.

Waterfall Gully

Waterfall Gully

Waterfall Gully

This is at the bottom of another small fall further up stream.

Waterfall Gully

While we were walking we saw a pair of eagles circling above.

Waterfall Gully

Waterfall Gully

Thanks to the My World gang...... head over there for a look at other peoples world.

Monday 23 March 2009

Missing in Action/ Mel does Goolwa

I have been struggling with my time a little of late hence no posts for a while.
We had a lovely weekend away last weekend and Mel was up to his old tricks.
We went to Middleton, Sean was in a surf comp the weather wasn't great but it was a lovely weekend.
We went over to Hindmarsh Island to the Mouth of the Murray which due to limited water flow is slowly closing.
It was very windy and Mel had trouble holding onto the sign.

Mel does Goolwa

Enter able bodied assistant aka Tony who mind you is looking a little like a stalker I managed to get this shot.

Mel does Goolwa

Mel does Goolwa

We came across these Cape Baron geese in a paddock.

Mel does Goolwa

Mel nearly had a nasty surprise while watching them.

Mel does Goolwa

I was really saddened to see the river like this.

Mel does Goolwa

Normally the water would cover these pylons.

Mel does Goolwa

In the background you can see how low the water level is.

Mel does Goolwa

Mel as always was very keen to slip in here for a look.

Mel does Goolwa

When I said NO he went off and sulked at the train station saying he was going to run away on the train.

Mel does Goolwa

We then went to Victor Harbour and I offered him the chance to leave on the cockle train.

Mel does Goolwa

After long consideration he compromised with just having a chat to the driver

Mel does Goolwa

Mel does Goolwa

I had better go and check I haven't seen him since this photo!!!!!!!!

Mel does Goolwa

Tuesday 17 March 2009

My World Tuesday # 11 In Memory of Nick

On the 16th of December 2004 Nick was taken by a shark off of West Beach, he was with some mates being pulled behind a boat on a surf board just having fun. I didn't know Nick personally but I can remember that day as if it was yesterday it was late in the afternoon and I heard it on the radio on my way home from work, all the news break said was that a teenage boy had been taken by a shark. It made me go cold as Lucas quite often went to the beach for a swim after school. West Beach is about 15 minutes from our house Lucas was at the beach that afternoon but he was at Grange.
Sean was a close friend of Nicks they went to school together, each year there is a surf competition in memory of Nick as he was a keen surfer as is Sean.
It was on Saturday it was cold and windy and the conditions not great however that didn't matter.

Middleton March 2009

At midday all the competitors paddled out and formed a circle, reflected for awhile then

Middleton March 2009

headed off to catch some waves

Middleton March 2009

Middleton March 2009

Nicks parents have set up a trust in his name all proceeds made from it go to the surf life saving association which helps keep this in the air.

Middleton March 2009

The first prize in the raffle was a flight in the helicopter I was sooooo desperate to win it but sadly I didn't.
The gulls didn't like the helicopter.

Middleton March 2009

Middleton March 2009

Sadly the conditions were not great here is Sean catching a wave.

Middleton March 2009

Middleton March 2009

Middleton March 2009

Middleton March 2009

Along with the surfers there were these guys

Middleton March 2009

I was amazed at how far they can get out of the water.

Middleton March 2009

I loved the way this boy got into the water.

Middleton March 2009

Middleton March 2009

Thanks to the guys at My World for hosting this fun way to travel around the world.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

My World Tuesday # 10 The Fringe

The Fringe
Each year in February & March The Fringe comes to Adelaide. The Fringe is an open access multi arts festival.
On Saturday night we went to Semaphore foreshore to watch this Pyrophone Juggernaut.

Semaphore The Fringe

Semaphore The Fringe

I thought I was organise I had my camera and tripod however when we got there sadly the connection between the 2 was at home in my bag urrrrr.
These were taken using my daughters head as a tripod needless to day there was a bit of movement.

Semaphore The Fringe

Semaphore The Fringe

Semaphore The Fringe

Semaphore The Fringe

To see more of others world head over here.