About Me

My photo
Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Monday 29 August 2011

Making, baking, knitting and I hate winter.


I saw a little skirt in "Molly Makes" it is a great magazine.
I whipped this one up in no time this morning as a shop sample.

Bunting for Jackson

Posted off some bunting for Jackson, it is for a friends grandson so is winging it's way to the USA.

Bunting for Jackson

I was asked to make a dog from a book.
Meet Fido.
I dyed the wool just to get it right.



new book

a couple of books one for Gemma so we can play bake.

Tea Cosy

and this little beauty for me so many cute tea cosies to knit.

Tea Cosy

I think this will be my first one.
I will have to con someone into the croqueting a couple of flowers for me.

Lucas and mud

and this is another reason me and my washing machine hate winter.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Monday evening sewing

We have had a few girls come to the shop asking if we did classes making children's clothes etc. I thought it is something I could do so starting Monday 12th September I will help those who need a little guidance with bags, toys, children's clothes.

If you are interested ring the shop the class room will be open from 5:30 for those who would like to come straight from work and perhaps eat some tea before hand.

Sunday 21 August 2011


The sun was shining today so I spent some time playing.
I dyed some wool flannel which is still soaking and played with Clarice.












It was such a lovely day Tony and I took the dogs for a walk along the lake, as we set off this fellow and his 2 very patient children were setting up their boat.
On the way back we sat and watch them set off.

The Lake

The Lake

The Lake

I love a Sunday when the sun has shone and spring feels in the air.
And all the kids home for roast lamb tea.
Got rid of the black it just didn't feel right.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

“Synchronised Travel” 1

“Synchronised Travel”.
Here is what to do, camera in hand (take a photo at each step):

1. First stage is your starting point (Take a photo).

I started near home it's winter and I hate the cold, I was dodging showers.
Council workers

2.Walk in any direction for 50 or 100 paces, then turn 180 degrees (photo).

Still not doing a lot

3. Continue walking in that direction until you see something blue (photo).


4. Make a left turn & walk 50 to 70 paces (photo).

Our Synchronised Travel Journeys
Bin day today

5. Walk in any direction until you see something that either is or looks like the number 7 or 11 (photo).

Our Synchronised Travel Journeys
I had a chat to the man at #7 he was out digging his garden.

6. Take the first left & continue walking until you find somewhere to sit (photo).

Our Synchronised Travel Journeys
I sat on the edge of the lake even in the freezing cold a group of school children were out canoeing.

7. Choose any direction & walk for 25 or 50 paces (photo).

Our Synchronised Travel Journeys
lots of water laying around.

8. Continue walking until you see an unusual colour, shape or texture (photo). Turn 180 degrees.

Our Synchronised Travel Journeys
this roof always makes me smile - not sure why.

9. Keep walking in any direction until you see an archway or an unusual architectural feature (photo).


Our Synchronised Travel Journeys
the family that live here are Asian they have an offering at the door.

10. Head for home but continue looking for something that catches your eye. When you find something, take your photo with it.

Our Synchronised Travel Journeys
REALLY ugly power lines urrrr

Our Synchronised Travel Journeys
no matter how cold it is there is always someone fishing.

I found “Synchronised Travel” at Sarah's
who linked it from "Punky & Me" the rules
It was fun and it made me get out and camera walk so it must be good.
I have been playing with my blog a little I was spurred on my Lizzie
I am in two minds about the colours let me know what you think.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Another Bag

Perhaps I should have called this blog the Bag Room.

new bag

This bag has been running around my head for a while and finally on Wednesday it became real.
Gemma had talked about a bag this shape, size etc etc etc.
A friend had one similar.
I had played with a few bits of fabric trying different things, so I am pleased with how it turned out.
Actually I love it.
I bought the fabric from Ikea when I went with Lucas last Monday on the mercy dash for the swag bag.

New bag

The lovely Viv who I roped in at work today modeling it.
I love her green top.

New bag

Another thing I love is the fabric behind it "hometown"
Lorraine has the whole range.
I think I like this range more than any others that I have seen in quite a while.
I have made a quilt out of a charm pack so got the fabric to make the borders today.

New bag

not the best photo of the internal zip pocket

New bag

It has 3 great pockets one for my keys, one for my phone and one for my glasses.

New bag

a nice chunky zip.
now I will most probably have to make one for Gemma as it was originally her idea.
I will also try to write a pattern but words are always hard for me.