About Me

My photo
Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Wednesday 23 February 2011



I have finally gotten around to writing a pattern for the Bunting I make.
If you would like to win a copy leave a comment and I will pull a name out of a hat next Wednesday evening.


A really bad photo of the pattern.


Twilight markets are finished so I am now free to sew for myself yee haa.
Amanda and I enjoyed our evenings of people watching. I covered my costs and made a bit, but it is something I will not rush into again.
It is hard to compete making handmade as apposed to manufactured in Australia.

Monday 14 February 2011

A bag for school

If you knew me when I was young this statement would really make you laugh.
I am going back to school.
I was a terrible student I could get quite a few testimonials to that fact.
However this year I decided I would go back to school and do year 12 digital photography. I'm sure I will be a better student this time.
The pressure is on though Lucas got a 19 for the same subject.
Me being me I had to make a bag for school. I wanted something big enough to carry an art folder and have pockets to put a few bits and pieces in.
I used this book for help with the outside pocket.
If you are after a great bag making book I recommend it.

School Bag

School Bag

I bought myself a kit from Hetties on Saturday.
I love Japanese fabrics.

It makes this lovely purse.
It is all hand made so it is the perfect project for weekends away.

Monday 7 February 2011

1 of 3 done and dusted

We started with a blank canvas

Grange Market

Grange Market

and ended up with this
we were pleased with our efforts.
There were a lot of people there and it was very crowded for a while but it settled down.

Grange Market

Lydia had her face painted
I watched the face painter what a great job seeing all those smiles when they first look in the mirror to she what she has done.

Grange Market

Then the sun set

Grange Market

to leave us with this.

Grange Market

I did O.K. covered the cost of the stall and made some money so it is all good.
It was especially great to catch up with all our bloggy friends shame we didn't have more time to chat.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

A Strange Walk

Last night Lucas and I went for a walk doing a letter box drop for this

and look what we came home with

Tony the Turtle

He is obviously someones pet he was in the middle of the road with the ants worrying him.
I didn't want him to be run over so he came home with us.
We got some very strange looks............ it's not your usual pet to take for a walk.

Tony the Turtle

I put a sign up on a tree near where we found him hoping to find his owners, and one in the local deli.

Tony the Turtle

look at his lovely shell markings

Tony the Turtle

if no one claims him I will ring the zoo or animal welfare or
if any of you Adelaide bloggers would like a pet turtle let me know.
I would love to keep him but he would cause chaos in my back yard pond and Molly would spend every hour of the day trying to kill him.