About Me

My photo
Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Life serves you lemons sometimes

Life is funny at times you never know what is around the corner so my advice is, to enjoy each and every day and hug the people you love.

Tony was diagnosed with bowel cancer about 3 weeks ago he has been out of hospital for a week and we now face 6 months of chemotherapy.

So like I said hug the ones you love ....... I will not be around much in the coming months we have bigger fish to fry.

On a brighter note I have had one of my a bag patterns published in this months Homespun.

I am really pleased but wish it had been at a better time in my life.



This is my knitting bag the same as the one in Homespun but without the sash and buckle.
It is a great size for all your craft projects.



Saturday 2 November 2013

A little help

Does anyone know what this machine is worth or know where I can find out.

It still has the machine in it and is in fairly good condition.


Friday 18 October 2013

Port Elliot show

I know this is supposed to be a blog with at least a little crafting to show but at the moment all that I am playing with is secret. I am busy with bits and pieces for Gemma's wedding so nothing to show.

We did go to the Port Elliot show on Saturday her are some snaps.

There were rides which we I didn't go on.

These looks like fun

A goose with a bump on its head



From these came this ....... Now what to knit with it?

Sean spends every hour he can surfing this is about as close as Gemma wishes to get.


Lots of cows

Little cows little people

Very cute stripy cows


Little boys having fun

And of course this.



Sunday 29 September 2013

A new job

I am in the middle of 2 weeks full time orientation for a new job. There is no room in my brain for anything.

I have been doing a bit of this at night.


It is all I can manage.

My trip to work is a delight 10 minutes ........ here are some of the views along the way.




While I was at Soverign Hill recently I bought myself this. I have a black bird which I have had for years but a cockie in a pie is perfect.

Some old bits and pieces I have found recently and some yummy fabric I bought at Mill Rose Cottage at Ballan Thru the red door....

This morning we were woken at 6:30am by the sounds of music. Knights was holding the Pro Body Board Competition and as we live 1 minute away it was hard to ignore.

Here are some photos taken on my few walks down to have a look at the action.