About Me

- Leanne
- Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Sunday, 26 August 2007
A Lollie for Hannah & homework complete
I have also finished my last Loxton project. The pattern is from Leanne's House. I have changed the wording around it. I bought a pattern while I was a away by Viv Robinson which had this wording on it.
Saturday, 25 August 2007
PIF from Jenny
THANK YOU Jenny from the bottom of my heart I love my gifts.
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Anne has finished her homework

Saturday, 18 August 2007
Awards & Tags

The lovely Nicolette has given me the "Nice Matters" award thank you Nicolette I am truely honoured.

I am not quite sure how to get that lovely pink picture over here so you will have to imagine it. Nicolette gave me instructions on how to get the picture here. Thank you again Nicolette I have learnt another new thing.
Leanne has tagged me for 8 random things
RULES - Post rules before giving the facts - Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves - People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules - At the end of the your blog you need to tag eight people and list their names - Leave them a comment on their blog, telling them they have been tagged and not to forget to read your blog.
So here we go
1. I spent 6 months working on a Kibbutz in Israel.
2. I was married in a registry office in London.
3. I have seen the midnight sun and been to the arctic circle.
4. I was born on Halloween(my children say that explains a lot about me)
5. I am taller than my husband.
6. My father,grandfather & great grandfather were all professional fishermen.
7. My husband is standing behind me and says I snore very loudly however I have never heard myself so that cannot be true.
8. I have not lived at home since I was 16.
I will combine my awards however some of these people have already been tagged or given a "nice matters award".
Leisa - Corry - Nicky - Jenny - Gail
That's about all and 5 is not quite 8 but oh well.
Monday, 13 August 2007
2 down 1 to go
I have now finished 5 full rows of my quilt and am 1/2 way through the 6th.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
1 down 2 to go
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