About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

My World Tuesday # 16 The Grampians

I have lived in Oz all my life apart from 3 years overseas in my 20's and I have never seen so many kangaroos in one area as we saw while we were in the Grampians particularly the Wartook Valley.




Just coming out for a peek at the world.


It doesn't seem to bad.



So this is what it is like outside my home.


Mmmm I wonder if I will still fit back in there.


It doesn't look quite so roomy as it did.
I do think this joey was still having a drink from it's mum.


They may look cute but they have long claws and very powerful legs.


In full bound.

The Grampians

Early morning.



Have a look here for more wonderful places around the world.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Mel does the Grampians

We are back from a lovely time away in the Grampians we stayed in the Wartook Valley which was just beautiful.

Mel in the Grampians May 2009

The weather was fantastic and the scenery breathtaking.


Mel was a bit grumpy on this trip because he didn't get out and about much. The Grampians is serious walking and by the time I lugged my unfit body and the camera around Mel had to stay in the car a fair bit.
Here he is trying to get through a barrier.

Mel in the Grampians May 2009

Just chilling and taking in the beauty of it all.

Mel in the Grampians May 2009

Personally I'm not in to all things big.... especially things like this.
Australia however seems to have quite a few.
Mel was quite taken with this fellow.

Mel in the Grampians May 2009

Mel in the Grampians May 2009

The one thing that there is an abundance of is these very cute fellows. I have never before seen so many kangaroos. Every where you looked in the Wartook Valley there were kangaroos I was amazed at the number of them.
Mel even made friends with a few.

Mel in the Grampians May 2009

The morning were cold and clear.


2 young rather unkempt males got out of this van.
Mel was quite keen to leave with them perhaps he is more like is name sake than we thought!!!!!!!

Mel in the Grampians May 2009

I will be back with some more serious photos of the Grampians but it is off to work at the quilt shop today........ not sure I call that work though.

Thursday 14 May 2009

A finish and see you soon.

A project......... well the only project I started at Inspired stitches finished.

A finish

Tony and I are off for a week away in the Grampians - Halls Gap.
Any good quilt shops in the area?
Mel has been camped near the front door since Monday so I suppose he is coming to.


Tuesday 12 May 2009

My World Tuesday # 15 Mothers Day

It was Mothers Day here on Sunday which meant a trip to Moonta my mother, sister and one of my nieces still live there. It is where I grew up.
This was the view from the Sea Gate where we had our lunch.

Mothers Day 2009

When my father was not away on the boat fishing he would walk over to this cliff twice a day to check the weather. My parents house is about 100 metres from this cliff.
This is the view one way.

Mothers Day 2009

This is the view the other way.
Dad was very good at forecasting the weather.

Mothers Day 2009

Here is the newest mother in our family.
Adele and Charlotte.

Mothers Day 2009

Head over here to have a look around the world.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Bags, Bags and more bags

If you live in South Australia you will know that the government has banned plastic shopping bags.
I have been busy making some of my own.
One I used a charm pack and stiffening so it is a little more rigid the other has no stuffing but rolls up small enough to fit into my normal handbag.

5th of May Bag

This one was also made out of a charm pack. It was for a friend as a work bag.

5th of May Bag

Tuesday 5 May 2009

I'm excited

Lorraine at Hettie's Patch is in the planning stages of a workshop with Kellie from
Don't Look Now.
She is looking at expressions of interest........I know I'm interested I love Kellie's work it is so bright and fresh.
If you are interested head over to Hettie's Patch and leave a comment or ring the shop.

P.S. Karen are you excited.

My World Tuesday # 14 North Arm Market

Early Sunday morning Gemma and I headed to North Arm for a walk around the market. The pelicans were hoping for some breakfast.

North Arm Market

North Arm Market

The prawn boats had just come in.

North Arm Market

They were unloading their catch.

North Arm Market

You could buy fresh fish.

North Arm Market

North Arm Market

Fruit and veg.

North Arm Market

North Arm Market

North Arm Market

North Arm Market

I put this one in just in case you thought every thing was healthy.

North Arm Market

The colours of the market.

North Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm Market
North Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm MarketNorth Arm Market

Thanks to the guys at My World .......... head over there for a look.