About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Charlotte Rose

Charlotte Rose

Charlotte Rose


Vickie said...

aww she is a cutie,
cheers Vickie

jodie said...

She is beautiful!! and so is her name.

Chookyblue...... said...

Congrats granny..........hope mum is well........what a beautiful name.......

Teresa said...

Awwwwwwww...she is beautiful.

Bonnie said...

beautiful... wow...

Andi said...

She's delicious!!

Hollygrove Carole said...

What a beautiful little baby.......

Teodo said...

Welcome Charlotte Rose, wonderful baby.
ciao ciao

dutchcomfort said...

Congratulations granny Leanne!!

Welcome to the world Charlotte Rose!

Quilter Going Bananas said...

Yay! The baby finally arrived! Lovely name for a lovely little girl! Congrats to your family :^)

Kris said...

So sweet! That's a lovely photo Leanne. Congrats everyone! I love the name too. (I have a daughter who was going to be either Charlotte Rose, or Rose Emily. When she was born she looked like a Rose, so she has the latter name! Could have gone either way!)

Terry said...

Awe...what a beautiful little darling! Welcome to the world Charlotte Rose! :0)

Stina Blomgren said...

So so sweet ...what a darling.. welcome to the world Charlotte Rose...

May Kristin said...

Congratulations to your niece! What a beautiful little miracle! Welcome to the world, Charlotte Rose!

Pat said...

She is so beautiful. I love her name!

Locket Pocket said...

Oh she is gorgeous!!! Congratulations to your niece! Lucy x

Anonymous said...

Cute girl! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

What a precious bundle, and such a sweet name. Congratulations to mum and dad and the rest of the family.

Unknown said...

Cute little girl!

Sorrow said...

Momma and baby both doing well I hope.
is the quilt finished?

Trudi said...

Welcome to the world little one! God bless you and watch over you always.

Unknown said...

Charlotte Rose is Just Gorgeous...Hope Mum is doing well too...

Levin said...

oh how beautiful.
newborn babies are so beautiful - this photo made me stop in my tracks. so soft, so innocent and so vulnerable.
i hope you all have fun until charlotte goes home.
ps the photo is fantastic

Gari in AL said...

Beautiful baby and name.

Leisa said...

Congratulations - she is beautiful. What a lovely name too!

Mrs Moog said...

Oh, she is beautiful and such a pretty name too :-)
Congratulations to your niece and to you Great Aunt Leanne ! That sounds very grown up, doesn't it?!!


Julie said...

Just beautiful, lovely names too. Some of my personal favourites. Makes me want another bub she is so cute. Congratulations.

Jenny said...

Beautiful baby beautiful name! Congratulations to all!

Michelle said...


periwinkle said...

congratulations :-)

Jean said...

I was just wondering if "daddy" has bought a baseball bat yet to keep the "boys" away! LoL... he may well think about it!
She is beautiful...! Welcome and the name is as pretty as she is!
Congratulations to the parents! And the rest of the family!

G'G'ma said...

Ohhhh, how sweet. She is just beautiful. Congratulations grandma...and of course to the mom and dad!!!

Anonymous said...

charlotte Rose you are just out of this world Congratulations to you all. you will have to bring her to Hetties so we can all have a cuddle Jeanette green Tuesday Hettie girl

Laila L S said...

Congratulations! Hope all is well with mother and baby. Charlotte Rose is a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl.
I have to tell you she`ll be sharing birthday with my daughter Karina, but she was born 19 years ago.

Sarah said...

Can you believe that little one was in Adele's tummy! Soooo sweet

Kelly Fletcher said...

Love the name Charlotte Rose.

Rather jealous you live around the corner from Country Bumpkin - enjoy for me, won't you...

meggie said...

What a sweet sweet baby Girl! Congratulations to Everyone.

Shari said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl.

Beertje Zonn said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little babygirl!
Kind regards,

Beertje Zonn

jacquie said...

congratulations! precious!!