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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Saturday 10 October 2009

to say I'm disappointed

is an understatement.
Early this year I saw around blogland posts about Amities VIP list. I thought this looked like fun people were receiving 4 or 5 nice pieces of fabric. I sent off my money and waited for the next mail out. Some months ago I received this fat 1/4 in the post.

Yesterday when I got home from work this was in my letter box.

a 12" X 10" piece of fabric ripped on 3 sides(my pet hate - fabric that is ripped and not cut).

The sun is shining here in SA so I'm off out with my camera........ have a nice weekend.


trash said...

Bugger. I can see why you would be cross with that post.

jodie said...

I don't know what it is you signed up for, but no way is what you received appropriate. I hope there is more on the way that can somehow make up for it.

Kris said...

Yuk! You're right, those fabrics are more than disappointing. Don't understand why people rip fabrics. It wrecks them!

Hope you have a better day out with your camera. Such a glorious day!

Kate said...

Wow, those are really not what Id expect from Amitie. Maybe time to have a chat with them?

Shari said...

Very disappointing - thanks for sharing. I'll steer clear of that program! Better to head off outside and enjoy the day!

Simone de Klerk said...

What a big disappointment. Guess those ladies have other feelings with fabrics ... Hope we get to see some of the pictures you took (O: Have a lovely weekend.

Julie said...

Very disappointing I agree. Actually I'd be very cross. I went to their VIP page and it doesn't even load to see what they offered you. It looks like a cheeky way to get rid of their fabric they can't sell.

dutchcomfort said...

Did you contact AmitiƩ to let them know about your dissapointment?

Or is there some other AmitiĆ© out there that’s fooling around?

Enjoy your weekend!

Cubby House Crafts said...

I can understand your disappointment...I would be too!

Lily Mulholland said...

A friend referred me on to your post after I had the same complaint! The first mailout this year was okay and the subsequent three have been VERY DISAPPOINTING. I had expected more from Amitie. Maybe they're having a hard time with the GFC, but I still think it's not good enough. Won't be doing it again, that's for sure.

Unknown said...

wow, I was considering this program but not anymore. YUK

Anita said...

Oh wow, that is surprising, but no wonder you are disappointed, I would be on the phone to them straight away. Maybe contact some of the other bloggers on the list and see if they have received the same things.

rachelmp said...

I recieved some blue and white striped fabric and three buttons. I was surprised too and think I might drop them an email. Not great value ...

julieQ said...

Hmmm,that would disappoint me too!

Teresa said...

Never heard of this program, and glad I haven't. Thanks for the warning.

Renee said...

hmmm... I don't blame you for being dissapointed with those.

Sorrow said...

not so pretty.
And I am a loath and despiser of ripped fabric, no one can ever convince me it's better.

quiltygal said...

YEP with you there Leanne I had an ugly blue fat quarter & a ripped bit this time ( still in envelope) I got one post before you 6 small bits of ribbon not even nice trim stuff ...will be voting with my feet ...cant wait till they send to see if I want to rejoin I have all the bits I have received so they might just get them back!!!fro $30 I would think a fat quarter ( 4 for the year ) would be the least......if the idea was to encourage people to buy their fabric it has not worked with this little chook....

Sarah said...

OH this is NOT good. Umm

Great piccys on your recent post!

Mrs Moog said...

...and you had to pay for that?

I'm not surprised you were disappointed!


Jean C. said...

Might I suggest e-mailing them and giving them the blog site address! As soon as they see that they are getting bad publicity... they may start to shape up! I did that to a pattern company... and they contacted the site I mentioned and gave her a one on one time! Good luck... it's too bad it turned out that way! 3 sides torn off one piece of fabric... tisk tisk... guess I won't visit them! See.... it's working already!

May Kristin said...

I SO understand you're disappointed! The fabrics are not nice at all!
Hope you had a great day out!

Anonymous said...

Fabric is ripped because it rips along the grain - it's a good way of knowing you're getting exactly the measurement you've asked for! It's the most accurate way. A lot of store employees cut crooked and I bet you'd be very upset to get home and realise you're missing 5 cm!
And as for the mail outs - you might be disappointed, but I've had a look at what VIP bloggers get and you also recieve 10% off in store and at shows, and also a link from the amitie blog which is great advertisement for you!
I hope amitie sends you something you like next, but you shouldn't be so quick to publicly shame and maybe just give them a call to discuss?

Katey said...

My mother always told me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
I wonder how you'd feel if somebody left such a negative comment about what you do?