It is hard to believe it is Wednesday and I haven't posted for 3 weeks. It was a long weekend here in South Australia. If you are looking for cratyness you can leave now I have been doing bits and pieces but nothing to show.
Saturday morning I got up to this.

Lucas and Nic got home at 1am and decided to sleep in their swags in the back yard!!!!!!!!!Then the troop started arriving it was Grand Final Day and the BBQue was at our place.

I am not sure why they decided to dress as 70's tennis players.Sadly I had to go to work I left Tony with the camera here are some of the results.

Not quite my standard of photography LOL. Not sure why we needed a photo of the lounge and the front door looking out.

There was tree climbing if you look close you can see a blue shirt up the tree apparently he got to the top, footy and who knows what the broom was for out on the Circuit.

There was a swim in the lake although it was not hot and a shopping trolley which was found and returned the next day to the nearest shopping centre. So in all it was a long day with lots of sore heads.
Sunday saw Gemma and I playing with cupcakes.

Monday was very peaceful it was just Tony and I we went for a walk down the beach and had a meal sitting out side in the lovely sunshine.

It always amazes us how well behaved some dogs are or reminds us how unruly our dogs are.If you have gotten this far you have done well so I though I would give away a copy of my bag pattern that I have final finished writing. Just leave a comment and I will pick a name next week.

Saturday morning I got up to this.
Lucas and Nic got home at 1am and decided to sleep in their swags in the back yard!!!!!!!!!Then the troop started arriving it was Grand Final Day and the BBQue was at our place.
I am not sure why they decided to dress as 70's tennis players.Sadly I had to go to work I left Tony with the camera here are some of the results.
Not quite my standard of photography LOL. Not sure why we needed a photo of the lounge and the front door looking out.
There was tree climbing if you look close you can see a blue shirt up the tree apparently he got to the top, footy and who knows what the broom was for out on the Circuit.
There was a swim in the lake although it was not hot and a shopping trolley which was found and returned the next day to the nearest shopping centre. So in all it was a long day with lots of sore heads.
Sunday saw Gemma and I playing with cupcakes.
Monday was very peaceful it was just Tony and I we went for a walk down the beach and had a meal sitting out side in the lovely sunshine.
It always amazes us how well behaved some dogs are or reminds us how unruly our dogs are.If you have gotten this far you have done well so I though I would give away a copy of my bag pattern that I have final finished writing. Just leave a comment and I will pick a name next week.
Prize goes to me for first comment?? Hi Leanne, I did finish my cushion from Kelly's workshop but haven't got much further with anything else. Perhaps I need a pattern for something small that would be done quickly?
Anne from Winkie
I love your bags Leanne, but I don't think I have the skills to make one. Those swags the boys used are good value, quite handy for somewhere to sleep when there aren't any beds. Monday was peaceful here as well, just love the long weekends.
I always read to the end you never know when there's a surprise there..! Wonder what trees and shopping trolleys have to do with the grand final, perhaps saner not to know..!
Cute bag! Funny boys! Great grand final! Thanks for the giveaway! We've missed you! (And my word verification is 'lazing'!!!!)
What a fun weekend! Your cupcakes look delicious. You latest bag design is inspiring - love the fabric you have used.
Sounds like a good weekend then Leanne
Looks like the ideal weekend...a bit of work...some play and a meal in the sun! Love your bag - don't put me in the draw though....I have a bit on my plate at the moment and probably wouldn't get to making it up anytime soon....(soon being defined as the next ten years ) LOL........Rose would have loved to be out having coffee and cake with the other dogs you snapped. Was hoping to call in to Hetties on the way home on Friday but the plan was delayed and by the time I got to the car I just wanted to get home.
Love the bags and the cup cakes look yummy. Did you use buttercream icing to do the swirls with the icing?
Now what exactly is cratyless I am wondering. Grange was jumping on Monday there was huge lineup for icecreams and lots of dogs some of them misbehaving (not mine) but Chris had a run in with the owner of a husky which made me want to dig a hole and burry myself. The broom is for getting footballs out of the tree... thought you would know that being mother of a boy...Unfortunately Chris taped the grandfinal so Daniel has watched it about 4 times so far. So far surviving school holidays but it is only early days yet.
A non quilting post can be fun too, as you show. glad you shared the photo's by your son. Always good to see how others see what is fun and important to them.
The cup cakes - perfect! How did you get such perfect topping on top?
Oh, I would love to win a copy of your bag. I'm into bag making and this one would be perfect for my trip to the Mexico, since the last one I made is way too BIG! I hadn't thought it would become that big LOL
Hi Leanne, I think you were wise to go to work on Grand Final day. Love your Jack Russells - am hanging out for just such a dog but have to wait til we get back from our big trip next year.
You already know how much I love your bags.
p.s. You are a much better photographer than Tony ha ha.
Oh pick meeeee
I love how the guys feel like they can party there - obviously you make the home so welcoming and warm.
If we miss out on the bag pattern.... do we get a cupcake instead (cheesy grin)!
Oi! Where's my invite to cupcake heaven?
I have unruly dogs too...I could never take them to lunch .
And Im in the same boat as Pip. Im a bag idiot. Of course if I win you could always make it for me. Double prize!
Hi Leanne. I would love to win your bag pattern.
It looked like a great weekend for all.
clearly we can tell you didn't have the camera in your control.......we had a longweekend too........lovely.........great bags.......
No long weekend here, but we had a good time nevertheless! Love the photos of your weekend (Even Tony's.) Well done on the pattern writing. I'm sure that's the worst bit of creating a pattern! I just love that bag!
He the fabric you used is from hometown i am,making a quilt for mine son, he studies in a other country en leaved our home. Really nice those boys! In the whole world the same jokes! Sorry for this bad englisch im dutch and cant write verry well..... Hope you understand what i have writing Big hugh from holland carina
What a lovely weekend and a lovely bag too! I've never seen or heard of a swag before, but it looks useful. . . if you don't mind sleeping in the yard, hahaha. What a sight to wake up to.
I love your posts and am excited you're back! Hmmm, now I'm hungry for cupcakes.
How can I resist? It's a lovely bag. :-)
Hi Leanne, the bags look great, now about the photography, if you need a job done - leave it to a woman (chuckle) in fairness maybe hubby thought if he did a good job you would expect it all the time... method in his madness
Love catching up on your blog when I have time. it is always so fun and fresh!!! and real!!! Thanks for some great stories, photos and just a glimpse into your world.
Would love to win the pattern for your new purse, you have such great talent!!!
That bag is wonderful, I'm always looking for new patterns and that is one I definitely do not have. Would love to be the winner. Sounds like a wonderful weekend even if you didn't get much sewing done.
Dogs and kids - you know you go out and your kids are bit ratty and you get seriously frustrated because you're sitting next to someone who's kids just sits there and behaves!!
I don't mind a bit of spunk in a kid or a dog ;-)
Looks like a fun? grand final day = good to hear no-one fell out of the tree or drowned in the lake!!
Great bag, love the fabric (writing) very cute..very happy to win one of your patterns! Hmmm perhaps the broom was for getting the footy out of tree...or the mate out of the tree or for paddling the shopping trolley? Perhaps its best we dont know! Happy quilting, Sue.
I love this bag. I saw it at Hetties Patch just last week when visiting Adelaide and would love to win the pattern!
What a must have been fun from start to finish for the boys- love the tennis outfits... they are great looking swags...reminds me of the time some years back when I was over in Sydney visiting mum and my nephew came down from outback we went to get a bed ready for him, he said don't worry and just unrolled his swag (that he always had with him) on the floor instead...he was easy to please...your bags look fabulous..
Leanne I know totally what you mean about well behaved dogs!!LOL
I think it was very considerate of the boys not to wake you up at 1am, plus I think they needed to finish a few pints!!
I hope I am not too late to enter. I have just seen the print bag in the shop & it is just fantastic.
It's amazing the difference between "snapshots" and your photography. Now if I could just figure out some of language differences... or perhaps its cultural differences... like what is the Grand National and swags? They don't quite look like the sleeping bags I am used to. But, fun none the less. And, I would love a copy of your bag pattern -- if I win I'm sure a digital copy would be just fine. Glad you are back to blogging.
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