About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

This made me laugh

A friend sent this in am email..........it made me laugh........... for all those ladies out there of a similar age....I bet it puts a smile on your face also.


Anonymous said...

Oh, this is TOO funny!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! I have somethng to look forward too....NOT!! Jo xo

Sorrow said...

I want that on a T-shirt!!!!
I am rolling with giggles!

Locket Pocket said...

I spotted this yesterday in the office I used to work in - very funny!

Lucy x

Pat said...

OMGosh how funny!! And true!

Sarah said...

Oh that one is GOOD.

Willow Grove - Kez said...

Very cute. I'm not looking forward to that part of my life.

Renee said...

hehe! Very funny!

Mar said...

Yep, it made me laugh, I hadn't seen that one before, very cute and clever!

Lorraine said...

I have sent it to a few work mates asking them to pick who I am today...LOL ...anyone who says Psycho is in big trouble!!...LOL

jacquie said...

i'm sending this to my hubby right now!

Sew Fab Martha said...

Thanks for amusing me today!

Quilter Going Bananas said...

Thanks for the good laugh today! Not quite there yet (ask me in several years) but some of those things apply
now .......

Mrs Moog said...

Hee hee - I can't wait!!


dutchcomfort said...

Oh yeah!! my husband will agree!!

Annie said...


Cathy said...

Oh goody!! Im already like that and havent quite reached the M phase!! Look out family... Cathyx