About Me

My photo
Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Swag Bag

Lucas had yesterday off and in true Lucas style he was organising his stuff for next weekend.
He and a few mates are flying to Brisbane for Splendour in the Grass(music festival)
You have to love that tree of candy.
He is taking his swag and a few clothes.
He had thought his old school bag would some how turn into a
but this was not to be.
after lunch yesterday,
a quick trip to Ikea
a swag bag was born

Lucas' Swag Bag

new bag with old school bag only Lucas could think he would fit everything into this bag.

Lucas' Swag Bag

swag, pillow & sleeping bag all rolled up and in the bag ........... add a few clothes and he is set.
He wouldn't take many clothes as they do not shower for days urrrrrr.

Lucas' Swag Bag

I even put a D ring so he could pad lock it closed for the plane.

Lucas' Swag Bag

Finally sending HUGS to Norway no words can explain what they, as a country must be going through.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Class or perhaps a chat.

If you are interested Amanda from Sea Breeze Quilts is doing a
Needle Turn Applique class at Hetties Patch on Sunday 7th August.
I thought I might go and brush up my needle turning and have a chat as well.
See the post on Hetties blog for details.

Thursday, 14 July 2011



I have been having fun playing along with

learning lots of little trick.

A few week back Gemma and I went and listened to Jane Goodall, she is an inspirational and amazing women.

One of the messages she was passing on is the mandatory labeling of Palm Oil one of the reasons the forest are being cleared and the great apes are loosing their habitat.
Please take a few minutes to sign this on-line petition.

While I am on causes if you have Private Health cover please head over here and sign this petition click on the red tab at the bottom.

While I am here and pondering and asking everybody to sign petitions I went to my first 3D movie last weekend - how amazing is it. I must be getting old. We went and saw Transformers it is a bit of a family thing. Gemma said to me before it started I wasn't allowed to reach out and try and touch things.
I sat on my hands.

I really don't get e-magazines.
if I buy a magazine it is to curl up on the lounge and leisurely flick through it.........you just can't do that on a computer!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great week
Molly says thanks to everybody for their kind wishes she is getting better wearing a sock or a bucket........... roll on Monday when the stitches come out.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

One of those week

Molly feeling sorry

Molly feeling sorry

This is Molly she is 15 and she is my girl.
Last week she had a lump removed from her leg, I have had 3 hours sleep each night. She can not get her bandage wet which means each time she wants to go outside I have to put a plastic bag on her foot. She doesn't cope with change, so this has been very traumatic for her. Monday the bandage comes off and then another week until the stitches come out. I am not sure she will forgive me for this. Tomorrow when everybody goes out for the first time she has to have a Elizabethan collar ( a bucket over her head) she is going to hate that.

Lets hope next week is better.