About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Monday 7 January 2008

Mel does Moonta Bay

We have had a few days at Moonta Bay where I grew up. Mel came and had some adventures.
I had to convince him that a Monkee made of knit might not be able to swim very well. He went to the end of the diving board and thought about jumping off.
Moonta Bay has a salt water swimming pool it is an area of water netted off along the jetty.
I convinced him to come back off the diving board and just sit and look at the water.
We then ventured further out the jetty. Mel thought he might be able to catch us some tea (it's amazing how obliging men can be when you want to use their fishing rods as props).
He sat and looked out to sea.

He wanted to touch the crabs but I said that they bite so he just peered into the bucket.

We went down on the rocks

He sat on the stairs
He made friends with the local wild life.
I showed him a little cave I played in as a child.
Later at the beach house he looked fondly back over the jetty then in true Mel style

he was having an afternoon drink or 3


Mrs Moog said...

Fab funny monkeying around at Moonta Bay!!! I needed a giggle this morning so huge thanks for the laughs!!
I can't believe you were brave enough to borrow someone's fishing rod - awesome!!
Lesley xxx

Grazia said...

In such a wonderful nature, I'm sure that Mel can do everything...so he can swim!!!!
Kisses for Mel!!!!

May Kristin said...

I hope you had as much fun as it seems that Mel has had! And a drink or 3! LOL!!
Thank you for sharing great photos from a beautiful place!

Locket Pocket said...

Brilliant Mel photos there - especially the fishing and drinking ones! Very brave (not like that Lesley woman, she hasn't dared take any monkee photos in public yet!!!)

Annie said...

Way to go Mel! What a great holiday...

dutchcomfort said...

Mel had a great time at the seashore! You could write a book about him (without the booze chapter of course!).

Cicero Sings said...

What a souse! ... and what a character!

When I was working, people gave me beanie babies and for a while I would arrange them in some way to reflect the day or the season and make stories up about them. The staff thought it was great!

Susan said...

Great post! Reminds me of when my class would have travel buddies from Australia and I would take them on trips with me. Or Flat Stanleys. I enjoyed the tour of Moonta Bay.

corry said...

well it sounds like it has been an exciting day for Mel. Did he really drink 3 bottles??

Monkee Maker said...

Fabulous shots, Leanne, but you had to do it again, didn't you? Show off that GORGEOUS blue sky and water while we pale Brits are shivering and cycling to work in the rain :(

Please Please PLEASE can I come to be Mel's P.A?? I'm very well behaved and don't eat much (.... both lies, sadly)


Christine said...

Love reading about Mel's adventures. What's he got planned next? My grandmothers family were from Port Pirie - I remember going to Moonta when I was young.

KicsiKató said...

I do love your post!!! It's so funny... I'm still laughing... :DDD
Thanks, it's really good in this wet and cold day (here in Hungary)!

have a great day!

Mrs Moog said...

Hi Leanne,

Because I love the things you do and also in light of your outstanding contribution to monkee world domination I have picked you for a 'You Make My Day Award' - pop over to my blog to see what it's all about :)
Lesley xxx

Christine said...

I am really enjoying your The Stitching Room and have nominated it for the Make My Day award on my blog today.

Lissa Jane said...

Mel would of had a hell of a hangover after all that shampoo!

Love your Monkey, gorgeous!


Momo said...

Soooo coool!!! Giggling the whole day ;-)

patchwitch said...

I loved the story! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

tell Mel to lay off the ice Leanne. Way way too many nights on the turps for that monkey. Alcomoholic for sure. haha xxx

Jacqui's Quilts said...

Just surfed over here via "De Vliegende Koe", via Lucy's blog...just LOVE that sweet monkey..what great pictures. He sure made my day. I have lots of stuffed animals in my sewing room too. I really should take some fun pictures of them...thanks for the inspiration! I'm bookmarking your blog.

Jacqui in Canada