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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

My World Tuesday # 7

I live in South Australia the driest state on the driest continent, as I have said before we have been in drought conditions for a few years now.
While I was driving to work on Thursday I heard on the radio that they didn't think the Popeye would be running on the weekend.
This is what happens when you pull the plug out and forget to put it back in.
This is the Popeye.

The River Torrens

During the night there had been a malfunction of the weir and the River Torrens had emptied. The River Torrens runs through the middle of Adelaide from the hills to the sea.

The River Torrens

The River Torrens

The River Torrens

This is the fountain along with assorted rubbish.

The River Torrens

This was the fountain back in September last year.

This gives some idea how much water washed out to sea, this is the boarding platform for the Popeye.

The River Torrens

Not only is it a tragedy that all that water ended up on our metropolitan beaches but soon it will be a horrible smelly mess. They do not know how they will refill it as water is something we don't have an abundant supply of.
They have found submerged cars.

The River Torrens

However these 2 birds didn't seem to mind the extra perches the rubbish provided.

The River Torrens

If you want to have a look at what is happening in other peoples world head over here.


SandyCarlson said...

What a situation. What a dry river! Wow. I hope the river flows again soon!

EG CameraGirl said...

OH my! What an unpleasant surprise. I cannot believe all the tragedies befalling Australia in the past few weeks and months!

Reader Wil said...

That is very dry indeed. My daughter often told me about the drought they had had some time ago. It is something I cannot imagine, for it rains here more often than not. I hope you'll have rain very soon.

Sylvia K said...

That is so sad! and what a mess! But your pictures are terrific and seeing what it looked like before just makes it that much sadder! I hope you have rains soon! Thanks for sharing and have a good week!

Anonymous said...

Scary to lose that much water, especially when it can't easily be replaced. The stranded boats look very forlorn.

Unknown said...

That's what I call "low water," and not seasonal, that looks like a decadal low.

Gaelyn said...

This is amazing. Hope you get some rain so it fills back up fast. Maybe litter clean up first.

Catherine said...

I can't believe these shots as I used to live in Adelaide...let's hope the terrible drought ends real soon..

Susan In Texas said...

How unfortunate. I suppose they could use this opportunity to clean it all out and give it a bit of a dredge, then pray pray pray for rain. Sigh. Poor Australia has been taking it on the chin too much these days. My condolences.


antigoni said...

I think you need some extra rain. I liked the photos but i want to see that place again in winter, after raining.

Levin said...

i heard on the radio that they found some water in an old quarry up in the hills and they are going to use it to fill up the torrens again. don't ask me how.......
they should clean it out before they fill it though :)

Teresa said...

OH my gosh, how sad.

Mrs Moog said...

Oh what a shame. It's sad how rivers get treated as a dumping ground too. I do hope they get chance for a clean up before it refills.


Dina said...

Hard to believe that happened to your poor river, but your amazing photos prove it.
Good luck through the drought. Israel is drying up too.

Thanks for your visit. A kibbutz? Which one, when? Nice!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness that is a sad loss, I understand about being dry here too.

Sweet P said...

How awful the drought must be. If I could send you some of our snow I would!

Arija said...

Nice one Leanne! My daughter feature the spectacle on her blog as well. If you wish, check out "not all those who wander are lost"on my blogroll.

Jenny said...

Thanks for the photos-haven't had a chance to look yet! We are a tourist attraction but for all the wrong reasons! At least there will be a clen up. Poor Popeye!

india flint said...

the ridiculous thing is that they're now establishing a temporary pipeline to pump 2 gigalitres [a LOT] of water - that they've found in an old quarry - into the river.
meanwhile 90 year-old grannies in Adelaide are carrying buckets to irrigate their precious gardens, due to water restrictions that forbid the use of a hose.
how does this make sense?
if that much water is suddenly available why not add it to the shrinking reservoirs?

Terry said...

Wow! It looks so sad empty like that! But maybe they can give it a good clean up before it fills again. How people can just throw their trash into a river is beyond me! :0/

Mary Ann said...

How terrible, losing all that water! They say that oil is such a precious commodity, but I think I'd vote for water! Hope they can have time to remove a few of those old wrecks before they re-fill! Cheers! Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Thanks Leanne for putting up these photos. I was going to do the same last week-end but it didn't eventuate. Last night on the news it said that some water is going through - let's hope there will be lots of rain without spending half a million on getting the water from the quarry.

The Patchwork Apple- Jane..... Visit www.patchworkapple.com said...

What wonderful pictures. It is so disappointing this happened. Looks like they have cleaned it up a bit and got some water flowing. Not sure from where, they were talking about the quarry. Anyhow, I love all your photography, whatever the subject!

julieQ said...

Gosh, I am so sorry about all the heartache, both flood and fire your lovely continent has suffered lately! Hope it is set to rights as soon as possible.

Kathryn said...

Poor popeye, great pics though.

Xioe said...

Thank so much for let me take the pattern... when finished I created a link to your post... this way you receive the visit and people know all your works...
Is so sad the situation in your country... I hope that the weather improves in these days and everything back to normal ... Also ending the fires that so many families are hurting and destroying the forests...