About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

One of those week

Molly feeling sorry

Molly feeling sorry

This is Molly she is 15 and she is my girl.
Last week she had a lump removed from her leg, I have had 3 hours sleep each night. She can not get her bandage wet which means each time she wants to go outside I have to put a plastic bag on her foot. She doesn't cope with change, so this has been very traumatic for her. Monday the bandage comes off and then another week until the stitches come out. I am not sure she will forgive me for this. Tomorrow when everybody goes out for the first time she has to have a Elizabethan collar ( a bucket over her head) she is going to hate that.

Lets hope next week is better.


Marg said...

The look on her face in the second shot, not happy. Poor thing, it must be hard for her (and you).

Sue SA said...

Not a happy puppy, I hope she makes a good recovery. Sue SA.

dutchcomfort said...

I saw the photo on flickr. Poor Molly! I hope you will both be happy again when the stitches are out!

jodie said...

Poor Molly, theses ole girls shouldn't be suscepted to such treatment.

Kris said...

Aww poor Molly! Poor Leanne! Hope next week is better

Roseanne said...

Poor molly you was only helping her. Hope all go well for her.

Nicky said...

Poor Molly, I hope she heals quickly.

Anonymous said...

"Dear Molly, don't be angry at your Mom: she loves you a lot and taking good care of you. In a few days, you'll be able to have fun again and these difficult days will only be but bad souvenirs".
Big hugs to all of you.

Shirley said...

Oh Molyy looks so sad and that little leg looks sore too. Poor thing. I hope she will soon be on the mend and she forgives you quickly. Love to you both.xx

Susan said...

Oh poor Molly! In dog years she's 105! I don't think I'd cope with change at that age either! I hope she is back to her old self soon!

Sheila said...

What a dear little face she has. Hope she heals quickly and is soon running around.

seabreezequilts said...

Poor Molly, she looks like you aren't forgiven yet. Hope you get some more sleep soon

Liz said...

Oh poor Molly, she'll forgive you as soon as she can run again I expect. In the meantime I suspect she's the recipient of plenty of cuddles..?

Sarah said...

Oh Molly... smakos?

Lynda said...

What a sad Molly. I hope she recovers quickly.

Pip said...

Poor Molly, I hope everything goes well for her. No one must laugh at her once she has the Elizabethan collar on because it will make it worse for her :)

suz said...

Poor puppy - I don't deal well with change either! I feel so bad for her. Hopefully she'll be on the mend quickly.

Lucky-1 said...

Poor little Molly. She's in good hands I am sure.....we do so love our little fur kids.

Been reading a few blogs this morning about puppies/dogs not being well.


Lorraine said...

Oh poor Molly....look at that little leg ...awwwwwwwwwwww! Rose hated the collar ...but better that than stitches pulled out and another trip to the vet...I am sure Molly will forgive you....eventually :)

Susan In Texas said...

She'll be fine. It's just weird for her and probably is a little uncomfortable, but she'll be much better soon. When our Buffy was about 15 she had 3-4 suspicious lumps on her breasts which we had removed (benign), while she was under we had a big fatty tumour removed that wasn't worth risking her going under by itself, we had her teeth cleaned, her blood tested, her nails clipped and her anal sacs expressed. She came out of surgery with a big drainage tube where the fatty tumour had been removed. She looked like Frankenpuppy! In 2 weeks she was good as new and lived about 3 more years. They're tough and they don't dwell on the aches and pains of the past. And she's getting lots of extra TLC - bet she's soaking that up! In my experience, Molly will be better before your pocketbook recovers. 8)

Take care,
Susan in Texas

Daisy Jayne said...

The look says it all, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind

Mrs Moog said...

Oh poor baby - she does look very sorry for herself. I hope she makes an excellent recovery.


quiltygal said...

Oh poor Molly Hope she gets better soon...Hate to tell you but the collar didn't work with Jack took him all of 2 mins to work out how to get around it !! I had to extend it with cardboard...we had a great time laughing at him walking into walls !! ....Jack won't be talking to me next week he has to go to the vet to get his nails cut !!!She'll make you pay !!

Beertje Zonn said...

Poor Molly,poor Leanne! Hope next week is better.

Beertje Zonn

leanne said...

poor baby - hope she's getting better now

wendy said...

Bless little Molly, lots of doggy love coming your way.
Pebbles, Raya, and Wendy

Cicero Sings said...

Ahhh, poor Molly ... she looks a right sweetie even in her distress!

Stina Blomgren said...

Hope your Molly is all better now.... nice little bandage she got!!
Love all your photos.. so nice every one of them.. !!

Simone de Klerk said...

I hope Molly is doing much better now! Poor little girl!

Locket Pocket said...

Poor Molly - hope she is recuperating quickly xxx

tea with lucy said...

oh dear. poor baby.