About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Sunday 25 November 2007

12 days of Xmas

I finished the 12 days of Christmas stitchery this afternoon. It was rather hard to take a photo of as it is so long and thin.
Lucas had his end of year exhibition of work last week and was allowed to take his finished work home as it had been marked and moderated. He made this bread box at the beginning of the year.
Below is the TV cabinet he made as his final piece of work for furniture construction. Lucas had to design the piece of furniture, draft a plan, work out the materials needed then build it, sand it and stain it then organize handles , hinges etc that would go with the style of the cabinet. We organized the stained glass windows for it. I apologize for the photograph as he put it in his room as soon as it got home so I could not get a great front on photo.I am extremely proud of Lucas he has always struggled at school because of his dyslexia but has done really well. We have not helped him at all this year - he got himself organized and did his work and these are the end results. He has had some great teachers throughout his secondary schooling who have helped and encouraged him.


May Kristin said...

You can be so proud! He has done a beautiful work! It gives you a good feeling when you have had worries for your children, and then they are managing well after all!
Your stitchery is beautiful, a lot of work, I can see!

Locket Pocket said...

Lucas has done really well - those pieces look like they have been done by a real professional! The stitchery looks great - I don't think I could face doing it as it looks like an awful lot of work! Have a great Sunday. Lucy x (although you may already have had it!!!!!)

Jenny said...

Beautiful work by both of you. I'm not a parent, but it must be a wonderful feeling to watch your child succeed at something and establish a sense of confidence and pride.

Anonymous said...

Love your stitchery Leanne, but oh my, those timber items are just wonderful. I'm sure you must be welling with pride.

Sherry said...

Great job on that Christmas stitchery, it is very cute. Lucas did a fantastic job on those pieces. They are very professional looking. Congrats to you both on your projects.

QuiltingFitzy said...

Tell Lucas he did an awesome job! Does he plan to continue in woodworking? He certainly has a future there!

Grazia said...

Your Christmas panel is beatiful!!!! Your stitchery is a wonderful work, you must be proud and happy!!!!
You can tell Lucas that his wood works are FANTASTIC....is he a professional carpenter?????:):)

Bloom said...

Congratulations on finishing the Hatched & Patched stitchery - that is a huge achievement - so much stitching in that one. It is beautiful. And well done to Lucas. Beautifully finished furniture pieces for a school boy. What a talented pair you are!

Susan said...

Lucus' work is really beautiful. Does he think he'll continue making things like this? It's quite a talent to make beautiful things, as you know.

Anonymous said...

Well done Lucas. Your work is a real credit to you.

Anonymous said...

You should definately take some close ups of sections of the stitchery to show us - your photo is a bit of a teaser!! And what amazing wood work - you must be so proud! =)

meggie said...

Wow, that cabinet is lovely, & so is the bread bin. He can feel very proud, & so should you.
Our son had mild dyslexia, & it can be so soul destroying for them to struggle with. Our son is very artistic, & is in a career where that skill helps.
Your stitchery is lovely.

Nicky said...

You have such a talented son! That bread box is amazing looking at that cabinet looks like something you might find at an expensive furniture shop- made by extremely experienced cabinet makers.
I am so glad that he has found an outlet and something that he is good at doing- and such a handy skill to have! Wishing him all the best,

Hanne said...

Your stitchery is super good looking - and the quilt hanger is perfect :-)

keslyn said...

Your stitchery looks great, I was actualy in Annie's shop yesterday on a long day trip, that is on my to do list along with a million other things. You finished it just in time for Christmas.
Well done

Annie said...

What a clever boy - you SHOULD be proud of his achievements. I would be happy if one of my boys ended up "making things" - such a lovely feeling of satisfaction as we know with our sewing. That stitcher IS long. It must have taken ages and ages - Well done for finishing it.

Carole said...

Lovely work! I will send your blog to my dh who is also a woodworker (hobby). He will appreciate your son's work. You sent a Homespun stitchery magazine to May Britt. I was wondering if you could tell me if it's a recent copy? Thank you for sharing.

Pat said...

Your stitchery is beautifful and so much work in it. The woodworking looks professional. Congrats to both of you.

Heleen said...

Pkease make some detaill pictures from your stitchery work?! And thank you for visiting my blog.

Alison said...

That stitchery is fabulous! What an amazing job you did!

I am visiting for the first time!

weirdbunny said...

We you son looks like he's a professional carpenter ! You must have been thrilled !

I also adore your 12 days of Christmas, I wouldn't mind doing something like that myself if you don't mind. Please tell me not too, if you don't want to be copied, I won't take affence ~ love Julia