About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Monday 15 September 2008

The best post

Today has been a wet windy cold day........ just when I thought summer was on its way, however late this afternoon the most magnificent parcel arrived all the way from Norway.

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

It came with chocolate outside the wrapping just to help customs out and the boys must not have had a craving for Norwegian chocolate because it arrived safely with my parcel.
Then inside was all this lovely fabric and a sweet little tin.

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

Inside the tin ......some trims and thread.

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

Some lovely patterns.

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

Then this lovely little thimble holder and inside a thimble.

Wonderful gifts from May KristinWonderful gifts from May Kristin

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

Some how in all my excitement I didn't photograph the little thumb pin cushion.
Thank you May Kristin you have made a very dull day a bright one for me. Now I have all those decisions what to make out of the fabric which stitchery to do first. Oh how sweet is life.


trash said...

it is all so beautiful. I especially love the thimble holder.

Sorrow said...

Sunshine in a BOX!
What lovely treasures you have there!
Now we get to wait and see what lovelies you make from them..
double bonus for us!!!

Mrs Moog said...

What gorgeous goodies! I love those fabrics and the little thimble holder is so cute :)


Sherri said...

What absolutely lovely gifts you've received! I'm sure you'll have a great time with the fabric and stitchery patterns!

Lorraine said...

See if it was summer the choccy would have melted...how nice that it was a lovely cool (ok cold) day!! Seriously fab pressies...lucky you.....!

jacquie said...

wonderful package...such lovely fabrics and patterns!!!

May Britt said...

WOW....lucky you. I know how you aussie girls love Tilda.

Cicero Sings said...

What a lovely surprise. Parcels are so fun.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing parcel of goodness you have there. Such sweet items, I can see how difficult it would be to decide which to work with first.

Stina Blomgren said...

Oh...May Kristin found a lovely mix of Tilda things to give to you!!! I just love those fabrics, stitcheries and yeppp...all of it...so good luck with everything!!

em's scrapbag said...

Ooooo!!! Ahhhh!!!! What a lucky girl you are!!

wonderwoman said...

what lovely pressies - i just love the little thimble holder its so cute.


Chookyblue...... said...

fab parcel Leanne you are very lucky.........

Unknown said...

what a Gorgeous Parcel...lucky You Leanne.

Christine said...

WOW Leanne. You are so lucky ... all those fabulous Tilda goodies. You will have lots of fun with those.

Teresa said...

Very nice gift - love that thimble holder - had not seen one of those before.

Sarah said...

OH my GOSH what a BEAUTIFUL collection of goodies. I am absolutly drooling over that Tilda book and fabrics. Looks like this lady has teh same taste as us.


Locket Pocket said...

What wonderful, wonderful goodies! I bet you can't stop looking at them all! Lucy x

Kris said...

Mmmmm..... delicious fabrics! You lucky duck!

Anonymous said...

now that is what you call a gift - lucky you , Everything is just gorgeous
lisa x

Jenny said...

You are certainly a lucky duck! Everything is oh so lovely:)

Sherry said...

What a wonderful package to receive! I just love that little tin...too cute! :)

Carole said...

WOW! Aren't you a lucky one! You're just spoiled! ;o) Wonderful goodies! Thanks for sharing!

Levin said...

wonderful package! i love the fabric. and the tin, and the tin's contents, and the...... well basically the whole package is pretty damn good! lucky you - it was a lovely surprise on a particularly yucky day.

Beertje Zonn said...

What absolutely lovely gifts you've received!
Kind regards,

Sonnja & Beertje Zonn

Sweet P said...

What a wonderful collection of goodies. I hope you're enjoying them.