About Me

My photo
Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Monday 22 September 2008

Not doing a lot

Nothing happening around here...no sewing and very little blogging....I hurt my back so can only sit for short spaces of time otherwise it is laying flat.
I may go mad.

Semaphore beach

More of these over here


Pat said...

Leanne, so sorry to hear of your injury. Hope you are back on your feet soon.

Deb said...

Leanne, Bad news about your back, maybe if you collect enough of the sea urchins you have in your photo you would have your christmas decorating done, they look so gorgeous in the photo.

Lorraine said...

Hope you are up and around again soon......I have been having a major clean up in the house....it is my last day of hols today and i have been in the sewing room pretty much every other day and left all the cleaning until the last minute.....I am even cooking tea....!! that's if I ever get to the shop to buy something to cook!! Can't believe how quickly the time goes at home!!

Candela said...

Get well. I've gone through that ...

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Hope your back settles down quickly!

Cathy said...

Sorry to hear about your back!! You are number 3.I hurt mine a month ago, Auntie Quaint Quilts has hurt hers at the moment and yours also!! This quilting is not good for our health!! Hope you are up and about soon...there is nothing worse....I think it even beats child birth!! lol Cathyx

Jodie said...

Back pain is awful. I hope it clears up quickly.....

Jenny said...

Take care of that back-hope you are on the mend. I didn't think it was urchin time yet-none on my beach and we don't get yellow ones-very lovely.

Cicero Sings said...

Having a sore back is no fun ... having to lay prostrate is even less fun! Please don't go mad!!

Locket Pocket said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your back - it must be so frustrating! I hope it gets better really quickly so you can get on with all the things you want to do! Lots of love Lucy x

Kris said...

Don't go mad! We would all miss your unique view of the world. I just love your photos. The sea urchin is beautiful.

Nicky said...

I'm so sorry to hear you have hurt your back. I know how frustrated injuries can be. Have you tried sewing whilst lying flat on your back? Although I am sure that your arms would get quite sore doing that.
Hope you feel better soon- I have my fingers crossed for you.

Levin said...

oooh - i don't envy you. i did my back in during the holidays and it was not pleasant. at all.
hope it gets better soon.

dutchcomfort said...

Take care. Sending healing thoughts your way!

Mrs Moog said...

Oh no - yucky back ache :( I do hope you are much better and back to stitching very soon.


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Hopefully the warmer weather will help. Jo xo

meggie said...

A hurt back really gets you where you live!
Wonderful photography.

julieQ said...

I am so sorry. I have been there quite recently and know about the horrible pain. I hope you are well soon.

May Kristin said...

I'm sorry to hear you hurt your back. Hope you will get better in
not too long time! Take care!

Unknown said...

Sorry for your back, get well soon!
Beautiful picture!

jacquie said...

oh leanne...so sorry to hear about your back. get well soon, i'm thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your back - hope you feel better soon,,
Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Sounds horrible, hope you are soon better. Take care.

Grazia said...

Oh!!!! I'm sorry Leanne...
Take care and Hope you feel better soon....
Grazia :)