About Me

My photo
Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

bloggy catch up

Thanks to all you lovely blog friends out there who have sent kind messages about my back. I am slowly improving but not a lot of sewing or blogging happening around here. Hence no comments or reading of blogs there are 774 posts waiting for me.
I did catch up with a fellow blogger last Friday. Trudi was in Adelaide on holidays so we arranged to meet at Hettie's Patch and have a coffee. Trudi must think I am mad after meeting me. Firstly I was like the crooked women hobbling along and then in the middle of our coffee I received a phone call from my closest friend who lives in the country saying she was in Adelaide having tests and that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. To say the least was a little upset so poor Trudi... perhaps when she comes to Adelaide again we could have another try.
I did introduce her to Hettie's Patch and she did leave with something in a bag.


Trudi was also kind enough to give me one of her patterns and if you head on over to her blog she is having a pattern give away of her latest pattern while she is on holidays.


The night before our catch up Lucas had given me a lecture at the tea table that I shouldn't meet people from the internet. He said you never know she may be an axe murderer. Trudi and I laughed as her son had said I might be a very large hairy bikie.

It was great meeting up with Trudi however I did feel terrible about my upsetting phone call in the middle of it.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Not doing a lot

Nothing happening around here...no sewing and very little blogging....I hurt my back so can only sit for short spaces of time otherwise it is laying flat.
I may go mad.

Semaphore beach

More of these over here

Monday, 15 September 2008

The best post

Today has been a wet windy cold day........ just when I thought summer was on its way, however late this afternoon the most magnificent parcel arrived all the way from Norway.

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

It came with chocolate outside the wrapping just to help customs out and the boys must not have had a craving for Norwegian chocolate because it arrived safely with my parcel.
Then inside was all this lovely fabric and a sweet little tin.

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

Inside the tin ......some trims and thread.

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

Some lovely patterns.

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

Then this lovely little thimble holder and inside a thimble.

Wonderful gifts from May KristinWonderful gifts from May Kristin

Wonderful gifts from May Kristin

Some how in all my excitement I didn't photograph the little thumb pin cushion.
Thank you May Kristin you have made a very dull day a bright one for me. Now I have all those decisions what to make out of the fabric which stitchery to do first. Oh how sweet is life.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

A few thing.


I have joined some "Snappy Friends" over here so if you like seeing different bits of Oz come see what we are up to.

I had a coffee with L on Friday to hand deliver my final PIF gift combined with my 100th post give away. We met a Cibo the sun was shining and we had a nice chat. This photo isn't particulaty good but I wanted to share Louis' face he had a ice cream you may have guesses it was chocolate and he enjoyed it very much.

Coffee with L

This is what I made it was one of my Loxton projects. The pattern is by Gail Pan. Only a couple more projects to finish from Loxton.


This was for L.


and this was for Emily the stitchery is a Leanne's House.

I am lucky enough to live very close to Hetties Patch and spend quite a bit of time there. Lorraine is a lovely person who without her encouragement I would never have written" my bag pattern". She has also encouraged me to take a class so on the last 2 Saturdays I did just that. I was rather nervous as when I go to class I don't do a lot except talk and tend to finish my projects at home. I was luck because the group of ladies who came were eager to learn and at the end of the 2 weeks we had nearly finished the bag. They only needed to line them, here are the finishes.


Just to make my first venture into taking a class more nerve wracking Granny Loz came which was very nice of her....it was good to have a familiar face in the class.
This is her nearly finished bag.



That's my lot for today better go attend to the house cleaning. Urrrrr

Monday, 8 September 2008

Still happy the sun is shining

It started out like this

Ipod cover

and then it turned in to this.

Ipod cover

I have tried felting before without much luck.....the first project is now a very handy hot holder......it was meant to be felt for a pair of babies booties.....and when I was a nanny in England I felted a VERY expensive jumper of one of the children I was nanny to.......that didn't go down well.......I could have said I was breaking new ground in the craft industry it was a long time ago....I had never seen anything felted before.........it wasn't all bad the jumper fitted a doll very nicely.

My ipod lives in it.

Ipod cover

Gemma says I look quite funny with it on as I only use it when I walk and I am one of those walkers who...... throws their legs out of bed puts on their worse clothes and heads off. My pants have paint all over them. I say the ipod cover is dressing up my walking attire.LOL.

This lovely parcel arrived in the post today.


Filled with these.


And this very cute little tin.


which had this hiding in it.


It has been a good morning the sun is shining so must go fill the green waste bin with weeds urrrr.

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Wooo Hoo The sun is shining

Yesterday Gemma and I went for a walk along the River Torrens for those who don't live in S.A. it is the river that runs through the city. Come with us and see what we came across.
First there was these.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008

The cygnets were so cute and the mums and dads didn't mind us getting too close however if another swan came close the dad would charge at them with a huge amount of gusto.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Most had 2 babies but this mum had her hands/wings full with 4.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Morning walk 5/9/2008

There were lots of swans and babies..........this is on the other side of the river and there were more there as well.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Our walk heading down towards the zoo.

Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008

The Cathedral.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

There was much cleaning of feathers.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Oh and very ugly feet.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

The birds along the way.

Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008Morning walk 5/9/2008

Um not a good look we thought he must have always seemed angry.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Mother nature sure is clever what an amazing blue.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

This little chap was rather cute.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Morning walk 5/9/2008

The fountain near Adelaide oval...said to be one of the most beautiful ovals in the world........I know this because Tony watches cricket 24/7.

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Morning walk 5/9/2008

Morning walk 5/9/2008

The sun is shining again today so I am happy.