About Me

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Married to Tony mother to 2 children Lucas 23, Gemma 26 & her boyfriend Sean. Carer for 2 crazy Jack Russells. I'm dyslexic so excuse any mistakes. The Stitching Room is where I spend my time playing with Clarice (my camera) and Bernie (my sewing machine). Come on in and see what I'm up to.

Tuesday 11 December 2007


When I bought this months Homespun it came with a past issue free, as I already have this one I thought I might as well give it away. Any non Australians out there who would like a copy of Homespun just leave a comment and I will pick one Wednesday night. I do not have patients at work on Thursday so can pop out to the post office through the day and send it on its merry way.


Ruth's Place said...

Hi, delurking. I found your blog a week ago. Seeing the parrots brought back so many memories of home I had to add you to my list of places I visit.

Momala said...

I would LOVE to win! This looks like a great magazine.

corry said...

Ooh yes, you can count me in! Looks like a great magazine to me!

Laila said...

yes please. Can you count me in. I love Homespun , but it is so hard to get her i Norway.you have a great blog. :-)

Locket Pocket said...

Hi Leanne, that's a really kind offer! I think I already have that one (a horribly expense collection of Australian sewing magazines are lined up in files under my sewing table - I don't dare add up how much they all cost!) so you needn't count me in - Just wanted to say what a nice idea I thought it was for you to pass it on! Lucy x

Linda said...

This looks like a great magazine. Please count me in! Thanks for doing this too.

Juliann in WA said...

I would love to be in your draw - I just adore these magazines but rarely find them in the states.

Anonymous said...

Do those of us who are Australian, but no longer living in Australia count? If so please include me.

tami said...

OOOO pick me. I've heard that the Australian quilting magazines are great.

Maryjo said...

Hi Leanne...I do so hope that I win Homespun...there is so much talent in it. I will keep my fingers crossed!

Mary Jo in Iowa

Cicero Sings said...

Hi! I only discovered your blog this last week or so. I'm a new quilter and need all the magazine ideas I can get!!! Count me in!

Mar said...

OOO I would love to have this magazine, Hello from California!

Leigh said...

I just found your blog today. It is lovely! The magazine offer is very generous, thank you.

I will definitely be back to visit!

May Britt said...

ehhh....hi.....you know my adress LOL Can I please join this draw :)

Hanne said...

You know me Leanne - a stitcher can never have to much inspiration :-)
Homespun is not sold here, so please add me in your draw. I am crossing my fingers here LOL

Isabella said...

I would really love to win this magazine, it looks great.

May Kristin said...

How sweet you are! I would very much like to join too!
We can't by this mag here!

Mrs Moog said...

I could very happily find a new home for the magazine! I think it's really kind of you to give it away. Don't let my crawling influence your decision though!

dutchcomfort said...

It will feel at home on top of the ones I bought in Australia, so please count me in! You are the sweetest!

Annie said...

What a lovely idea Leanne. It would be great to receive an overseas magazine, if I was indeed overseas to you. I just LOVE Homespun and think I have every copy. I must get the latest issue. If you look on their website, I wrote and article back in March/April about our Quilters weekend away. It was a current article. Very exciting.

Jenny said...

Hi Leanne, I would love it. I bought one Homespun magazine a few months ago now I can't seem to find anyone who carries this magazine anymore. Thanks for putting me in the hat.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Please count me in. That magazine looks like it would be fun to read.

Sheri said...

I would love to win the magazine

Sweet P said...

I love Australian quilting magazines. Please enter me in the drawing.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your kindness. I live in the Adirondacks of New York State in the US and we only can only get our hands on Australian magazines at major Quilt Shows. I would love it if you would consider me for your drawing. I will be sure to pass it around to all my quilting friends as well.